Tintin and the Thought Police

By Southwest Nationalist. The politically correct scandal surrounding poor old Tintin continues, with news that publisher Egmont UK is to ship copies of Tintin in the Congo shrinkwrapped and featuring a warning about its content.

Poor Tintin, victimised as ever even though Spielberg is making yet another film based on the popular character. Tintin ought to sue alleging persecution and human rights violations what with all the bile being directed at him.

The Commission for Racial Equality has previously called for Tintin in the Congo to be banned on the grounds that it contains hideous racial prejudice.

Numerous bookstores, including Waterstones, had already moved it to the adults section after the PC brigade decided to kick up a fuss about the allegedly racist content.

A complaint by human rights lawyer David Enright seems to have played a major part, with him quoted by the Mail as saying that “There is no way of reading it without thinking it depicts black people as sub human and less mentally able than the apes. They all end up worshipping the dog”.

Heaven forbid that, with renewed interest in Tintin in light of the films, some poor child may pick up a copy and see images which are no longer deemed acceptable by society.

Doesn’t matter that the book is an historical fact (of course in the sense that the book exists historically, not in the sense that Tintin and his dog Snowy really did end up being worshipped by a tribe in the Congo!), the thought police would see it consigned to the obscene publications list or worse if they got their chance.

It’s a book that achieved fame, and reflects attitudes and stereotypes at the time, but all that seemingly matters now is the re-writing of history and shielding children from ever knowing such things existed, at least as other than a dark whisper about how racist old whitey used to be – and still is of course.

It’s in the same vein as that edited version of Huckleberry Finn which went on sale, removing all references deemed objectionable by the thought police. Or, for a factual example, removal of references to a certain dog from the historical Dambusters narrative.

Maybe we should shrinkwrap the Koran and put a warning on it because of some of the Jewish references in there, or edit them out, they’re certainly hideously racist and stereotypical. What do the thought police think?

It’s really no different. These attempts to censor or rewrite the past so that it sits in harmony with the rosy, non discriminatory, multiracial paradise we now inhabit, are pathetic and insulting.

The stench of book burnings, conducted with just a little more subtlety than those torchlight burnings with a proud Goebbels proclaiming a victory for culture, clings to the whole sorry affair.

Sanitising and censoring history and historical literature is the mark of a totalitarian state, which seems to be something we as a country do both officially and voluntarily.

Gleichschaltung it was called in another time, here we call it equality or preventing discrimination or avoiding stereotypes. It adds to the same in the end.

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  1. Wait till they get round to removing all reference to Christ from the bible, in case it upsets you know who.

  2. The reality of the low IQ Negroes of the Congo is far, far worse than the Tin Tin books. Read this small exposé and judge for yourself:


  3. Poor old Tin Tin can’t be allowed to simply exist any more can he? He must conform to today’s political correctness mustn’t he? Those black African chaps in the Congo must never be portrayed as being simple tribesmen must they? They were obviously complex characters who were living in an advanced civilisation that has taught us whitey’s so much since we were lucky enough to come across them. How privileged we are to have such enrichment in Britain today! I know only fascists burn books but for goodness sake burn those books that we in the left don’t like as quickly as possible please.

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