‘The Jobs Britons Won’t Do’ – An Economic Fallacy

By Mike Newland.  



We hear it endlessly whenever immigration is mentioned. What would happen if immigration were halted or even sharply reduced? How would we fill the jobs Britons won’t do?

System politics today is almost entirely based on arguments which upon examination have the bottom drop out but which sound highly plausible at first glance. Perhaps there is a special government unit composed of psychopathic brainboxes who spend all day working up methods of presenting issues which will swindle the public! Well, most of today’s politicians do not have the brains to think up this stuff.

Let’s look closely at the issue in its most basic terms.

Suppose you have a country where everyone has a job who is willing to work and all necessary jobs are being done – but everyone has the choice of not working and living on benefits if they are willing to accept a lower standard of living.

Now suppose an order goes out to reduce wages for the lowest paid (and worst) jobs. What will happen? Some people will decide not to work. There will be labour shortages in the worst jobs.

Does that mean – in principle – that the unfilled jobs are ones ‘the workforce won’t do’? What it means is that people won’t do the jobs at the new wage level not that they won’t do the jobs under any circumstances.

Well, consider. There is a job cleaning out houses full of rotting rubbish and starting at 6am. Wages offered £5 an hour. Not interested? Let’s gradually raise the wages. Six, seven, eight – fifteen? Any takers? Let’s try £17 an hour. There will be takers of these jobs at some point. Agreed?

The above is not fanciful. Mass immigration lowers wages. Firstly it increases the supply of low-skilled labour and secondly the new arrivals – even at lower than the previous customary national wages – will still be far better off than at home. That’s why they came in the first place!

Immigration manufactures ‘jobs Britons won’t do’ which did not exist before. Yet somehow this point is glossed over and an impression given that the Brits have ‘gone lazy’. In reality, it’s all a question of wage levels.

At this point the trick is to interject an employer and ask him why he does not pay enough to attract Britons. “Because I’d go out of business not being able to compete” he says.

Is this true? Yes it is. So how then in goodness’s name can Britons be persuaded to be employed?

Here comes the science bit. It’s true that an individual employer can’t raise wages but employers as a whole could. That is precisely what would happen if immigration no longer lowered wages. What is being foisted when the individual employer claims he can’t raise wages is known as a ‘fallacy of composition’. What applies to the small does not apply to the whole system.

Now some people at this point may say, uh ha, but if firms raise wages and their prices will not people refuse to buy at all. But in which case, HOW DID THE JOBS GET DONE BEFORE IMMIGRATION BEGAN?

What will happen in reality is that vital jobs have to be done. The worst paid will simply be paid more to do the worst jobs out of the pockets of the better off. Surely that would be a highly desirable outcome?

But other non essential areas of the economy will suffer a reduced demand. Another science bit here. What happens will depend on the ‘price elasticity of demand’ for the products or services involved.

But the essential jobs will still get done – as they always did.

The better-off will earn a little less and the worst off a little less. But not by socialist edict. By choices on the basis of price in a free national labour market. Immigration is economic interference with national wage levels.

Some of the better-off may start fidgeting at the thought. My cheap takeaway!

But let us make you feel better about your undeniable suffering.

What happened to all those Britons who won’t do some jobs and can’t get anything better or they’d never have done the jobs in the first place? They are living on benefits at your expense via your taxes. As time goes on your cheap imported labourers will also begin to receive more in all manner of benefits. They won’t stay 22 and sleep in sheds forever you know. You will be paying there too.

Then you’ll need yet more immigrants to keep down wages…..


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  1. (Party Member) Exactly right. The multi-culturalists know this and recently got upset when it came out that there were 600,000 unemployed immigrants from the European Union. The 2.25 million unemployed should be 1.65 million for a start! When we then consider all the employed from the rest of the world the true unemployed figure should be as low as 400,000!

  2. A top one hundred well-known British company is actively exploiting the current conditions. It goes about buying up small profitable independent companies throughout the country. Most of the companies it buys out pay superior wages. It makes its new workforce in time sign new contracts changing pay and conditions.

    For those workers who refuse to buckle under the demands of their new employer there is an offer of voluntary redundancy. You will not be surprised to learn that the company in question replaces much of its workforce with Eastern European Labour.

    Frankly, for a long time now it is a scandal what is happening to are own people in the workplace. ‘British jobs for British workers’ should still be shouted from the roof tops. It cuts a nerve and is the best ‘nationalist’ slogan there ever was!

    • Yes, that slogan was excellent and as most people decide how they will vote according to the economic stance of a particular party and to how the economy is performing then it links immigration to economics which is what nationalist parties have largely failed to do in the past. With the result that while many agree with our immigration stance they don’t consider voting for nationalists. That slogan is also one that ONLY genuinely nationalist parties like the BDP can use without appearing false. Suppose a globalist neo-liberal parties ie UKIP did it?

  3. One only has to watch Downton Abbey to see who did all the lower paid jobs up to the 1950’s. Labour-saving devices have taken away many of these jobs and the fact that people could earn more doing office jobs etc.

    Now even these jobs are gradually being replaced by machines. Now we have checkouts in supermarkets that are self-serve, so those jobs are going too. Shopping on-line and drive to collect are another way of doing away with the human element.

    When one adds all these aspects together one can see that we really do not need any immigrants whatsoever and the fact that we are still importing them is proof that our ‘leaders’ really have lost the plot. Too many people on benefits, too many imported people, is a situation that is unsustainable.

    The politicians say that there is nothing they can do to stop it. We hear weasel words about making it tougher for immigrants to claim benefits. It’s all nonsense. They are following an agenda laid down for them by the EU to destroy the nation state, and they have all sold their souls to achieve this. Some may even believe it will be for the best but nothing good can ever come of a deceitful act.

    Our only hope is that the money to keep this deceit going runs out. Unfortunately, it seems that the Eurocrats will use every dirty trick they can to keep it going including bankrupting whole countries,(Cyprus and Greece) and stealing peoples’ savings, (bank bail-ins). The euro itself is causing poverty all over Europe, yet still these incompetent nimcompoops cling to ‘the project’. They will impoverish us all.

    • No, Mo, our leaders HAVEN’T lost the plot even though that is an impression which can be given. Our leaders KNOW EXACTLY what they are doing and are clearly intent on destroying this nation. We must inform the electorate that Labour/Lib Dem/CONservative are purposely wrecking our nation and it isn’t just carelessness.

  4. I absolutely agree with what Mike Newland has stated so clearly. I would also mention that many of the so-called millions of vacancies, which Ian Duncan Smith et al so often parrot about, are no use to man or beast.

    Many of these are part-time which means they are no help in paying the mortgage or feeding the family. I saw one on the DWP website which was for an hour a week! Many others require experience – in short employers are not prepared to provide training. We’ve also heard about the nil hours contracts. There are others where payment is made only in in the event of successful cold calling, which is why they are continually being advertised.

    The DWP has also carried adverts for ‘pole dancers’ and other dubious sexual services. There are others which are simply outright scams designed to rob job seekers of the little money they have.

    So far as the government is concerned all these count as ‘jobs’. What hypocrites these lying toads are.

    • Duncan-Smith is an utter wretch even by the normal standards of the ‘nasty party’. He has caused disabled people in our country to commit suicide and that apparently doesn’t cause him a moment’s lack of sleep.

      This whole subject of welfare reform is a huge one and one that nationalist parties should be using to attack Labour and CONServative. If the Tory Party hadn’t presided over the destruction of British industry in the early 1980’s we wouldn’t have the huge pressure on the welfare state. Mr Duncan-Smith of course believes his party had nothing to do with this!

  5. Obviously I cannot substantiate the assertion but in South London large retail organisations do not appear to employ English people anymore. This has all the marks of deliberate policy. This is especially true of any government sponsored jobs initiative where there is a form at the end of the application document which asks questions about ethnicity.

    The English are a worthy nation but they are not the sharpest tools in the box some of the time.

  6. This importation of cheap labour may have the same consequences as the situation of Britain after World War Two.

    Then, the Germans had to build their industry more of less from scrap be because of war damage . They had the latest efficient machinery and factories. We can see the results of this even now with their superiority in engineering and high quality products.

    Meantime, the British were left with ageing plant and equipment which employed more people but was inefficient. The importation of cheap immigrant labour will encourage businesses not to modernise with labour-saving up-to-date equipment, so encouraging an eventual long-term lack of competitiveness nationally.

    • Correlli Barnett discusses this in ‘The Lost Victory’.

      A favourite alibi for British industrial decline was Marshall aid given to Germany enabling it to re-equip.

      In fact, German industrial output just after the war was 90% of its prewar production. So they were not ‘bombed flat’ but nevertheless re-equipped.

      Britain, in fact, received far more Marshall aid but spent it on other things. Labour’s priority – as usual – was not the future but handouts.

      • Thanks for that info, Mike. The point about cheap labour undermining motives for more efficiency in industry and commerce etc still stands though.

  7. I think people should work even if the pay is pathetic. When I was made redundant from my job years ago, the only job I could get was as a night porter in a lock of flats. The pay was so poor that some nights I was out of pocket after paying my fares.

    All the same, at least I was supporting myself. But what really ruled me was who didn’t have the same attitude. The block of flats was a few hundred yards from Marble Arch in London and the flats which were worth staggering amounts even were owned mainly by wealthy Arabs – little Arabia, the Edgware abroad, is just round the corner,

    I found my self opening doors and being the Downton Abbey style lackey for a family of Iraqi asylum seekers which were living in this highly desirable and expensive place at public expense.

    You can imagine what I thought of that.

  8. (Party Member) According to the Office of National Statistics (yes I worry as well!) unemployment has fallen a further 121,000 during the months of March, April and May. Just imagine how many people actually joined the list of unemployed from around the world during these three months. If our policy of ending immigration and commencing repatriation of undesirables had commenced, then Britain would soon have something known as ‘full employment’.

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