Party Officially Launches on Twitter

By Leicestershire Correspondent

It is estimated there are more than 465 million accounts and 175 million tweets every single day, Twitter plays a pivotal role within thousands of different social media marketing and such is a vital tool for the patriotic movement to embrace and utilise. Some key points, as to why Twitter will help the party grow:

Facebook might be the most widely known and talked about social platform, yet its growth is slowing whilst Twitter is seeing 1 million new accounts opened every single day. Providing the party with a truly global reach in its exposure and promoting our aims to the masses in the UK.

Communicating a Better Image
The new party Twitter account will show the public we mean business, and that we are party for the 21st century. You don't have to tweet to use Twitter. By searching Twitter you will get an idea of trends and topics that Twitter users are interested in. Twitter operates in real time, so you can search for conversations that are happening right now regarding the party and movement.

Personal Touch
Twitter is very direct and all about connecting with other people, the electorate in less formal setting and one that is more modern and contemporary. This will help the party engage with the next generation of young people our movement needs to be sustainable and successful in the long-term.

Our Twitter can be found at:

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