By Peter Mills MA PhD

There has been much talk in recent months about Western countries facing a “Financial Cliff”.

This term perfectly describes the chasm which will open up to devour what we consider to be civilization if Western governments are allowed, by their largely myopic electorate, to blandly waltz-on with their heinous plans to force draconian “austerity measures” upon countries who trusted all the glossy advertisements promising a “strong European Single Currency”. We all found out the hard way that the reality was so precariously balanced upon a knife-edged bureaucratic nightmare that the result is nothing less than a spreading, galloping, national bankruptcy.

In order to “save” this rotting European Union – this reverse and perverse political alchemist’s superstition which turns gold to lead in copious quantities – the EU Politburo must impose compulsory “Austerity Measures” upon those countries who were gullible enough to believe the slick “Join the European Union and Live the Good Life” high-pressure advertising.

This, of course, includes Great Britain, even though Westminster – with its coldly calculating eye on using appropriate spiv salesman’s language – prefers not to use the phrase “Austerity Measures” and, instead, prefers to bamboozle voters with such terms as “reappraisals”, “ensuring you get the correct help”, “making sure the system works properly”, and so-on. (A bit like the Luftwaffe in 1940 making sure that London and Coventry worked properly.)

In Victorian times when that great Englishman Charles Dickens wrote eye-opening novels featuring the cataclysmic dreadfulness of a divided society where the rich – and this is true – would entertain themselves by arranging amusing sightseeing tours to point, laugh and scoff at the starving poor dying in the gutters and slums, on which jolly occasions their accompanying ladies were entertained by throwing lumps of bread into the streets to encourage mobs of starving children to kill each other fighting over the morsel, it was popularly believed that it was actually a crime to be poor. If you were poor, you were guilty of the crime of being poor and had no grounds to complain if you were punished for it.

It was a long, difficult struggle to achieve a more equal, fair and caring society in Britain and re-educate the people to believe in its necessity – particularly the rich and powerful who with only rare exceptions dug their heels in at every step towards legislating a more equal society into existence. (One thinks of the anecdote about Lord Chandos who was told during World War 2 that he had too many servants and that his pastry cook must join the army, to which he replied: “Damn it, can’t a man even have a biscuit?” The household pastry cooks may have largely vanished, but the attitude lives on in our political elite of all parties.)

Since being compelled to join the European Union with no public referendum (in total defiance of Democracy), we have been sociologically and politically going downhill with ever-increasing speed due to a succession of incompetent self-serving governments and dishonest, thieving, lying politicians. We are now plunging out of control towards utter social disaster!

There are two causes for this reversal of Britain’s standards. One of these is our insane act of joining and trusting the European Union. The other is almost impossible to mention freely here because we are today living in a quasi-Nazi state where – having destroyed that precious foundation stone of democracy, the ancient right of the British people to Freedom of Speech – expressing genuinely-held opinions on certain matters, especially on – let us say euphemistically – citizens who are not of native British descent, has been transformed into an actual crime by an increasingly fascist Westminster.

Do you think I am exaggerating when I say we live in a quasi-Nazi state? And when I refer to a fascist Westminster? Consider this quotation; “…The courts and police assumed the responsibility for enforcing a mood of Panglossian optimism, by punishing even the most inadvertent or innocent of remarks which impugned the ‘new times’ in the ‘new state’ in general. Contentment and happiness were enforced.”  Does this not sound like an absolutely perfectly-fitting description of the laws governing what we can and cannot say in present-day Britain? In fact, the quotation is taken from the very excellent book by historian Michael Burleigh “The Third Reich: A New History” (ISBN 0 330 48757 4) and it refers to German law under Nazism. Some may argue with this analogy: I say, if the cap fits, wear it!

If it were the starry-eyed, power-crazed, vacuum-headed prime-ministers and Euro-erotic politicians who suffered under the crushing boot of the European Union and the draconian new laws criminalizing acknowledgment of  the concept of “resident foreigners”, I’m sure nobody would give a damn – it was, after all, these same politicians who lied their greedy hearts out to the voters and began to dismantle proper democratic process and who all richly deserve hundred-year prison sentences for (1) Misrepresentation: (2) Fraudulent Advertising: (3) Theft: (4) Misappropriation of Taxpayer’s Funds: (5) Embezzlement: (6) Deceiving the Public: (7) False Accounting: (8) Misuse of Public Position: (9) Theft: (10) Conspiring with Banks to Turn a Blind Eye to Biblical-Scale White-Collar Criminal Practice: (11) Postal Vote Rigging: (12) Lying repeatedly and compulsively about a referendum on Europe…

I could go on listing for pages, but let’s stop there before we get suicidal about how an allegedly sane electorate could repeatedly vote in election after election for such political self-enriching human garbage as makes up the Conservative, Lib-Dem and Labor Parties.

With, of course, a very few notable exceptions (who are mainly in the smaller parties cheekily branded as “Right Wing Extremists” by the most cynically right wing series of mainstream national governments since Oliver Cromwell) our Westminster politicians are nothing but an over-paid, highly dishonest, highly-thieving, highly expenses-fiddling and highly multi-house owning, devious, self-preening bunch of incompetent undesirables who contaminate even the gutters of Westminster with their noxious presence! In short, a bigger bunch of cowboys than the Jesse James Gang.

And now, in the second decade of the 21st Century, society has regressed by a couple of hundred years. The European Union has passed a Death Sentence on its poor people for the crime of being poor! Under the nightmare spaghetti-like mess that is the bureaucracy of the European Parliament (happily living on its own Planet Nutcase) and the European Court Of No Rights For The Indigenous, the poor of Europe are faced with suicide as the only alternative to a life under the crushing jackboot of compulsory Austerity imposed on them by the Great and Glorious European Union.

This article was written some time prior to the opening of this website, and at this time of writing the latest statistics from the County of Greece (for that is in reality what the “member states” of the European Union have been reduced to, mere counties with their abject county councils given their orders by the Central European Government) show the unemployment figure has passed one-quarter of the population; at least 20% of the population now live in dire poverty; 68,000 stores have closed.

A reliable source (1) confirms that Greece, which until it joined the European Union enjoyed the lowest national suicide rate in Europe, is now, by percentage, the suicide capital of the world. Over 2,500 innocent people have recently killed themselves due to what can fairly be summed up as the dehumanizing dictatorship of the EU. Let me quote four paragraphs from my referenced source:-

“More than 2,500 people have taken their own lives and attempted suicides are also soaring. Just this month, a young nurse who lost her job jumped out of a window to her death. The first four months of this year saw a surge in the number of suicides among the poor and those older than 65. It has risen by more than 33 percent against the same period for 2011, with some 700 people taking their lives since January 1.

“Before the financial crisis began, Greece’s suicide rate was only 2.8 per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the European Union’s statistics agency Eurostat. Earlier this year the German news magazine Der Spiegel wrote that, “Most of the suicides were among members of the middle class and, in many cases, the act itself was carried out in public, almost as if it were a theatrical performance.”

“…people have killed themselves by jumping off balconies, hanging, and other methods. The use of anti-depressants has also jumped some 25 percent, officials said. The most publicized was that of a 77-year-old pensioner who shot himself in the head under a tree in Syntagma Square earlier this year…”

 And a similar situation is descending on Great Britain. The utter clueless shambles of comfortably well-off human detritus we call “the Government” has appointed a French profit-making commercial company, ATOS, to decide which disabled people can have their disability benefits cancelled! That is, ATOS makes more profit by cancelling more disability benefits. This French commercial Gestapo is already achieving a rising suicide rate to match its rising profits.

Naturally, the government is excrementally scared of the actual statistics of ATOS-related suicides being made public. An attempt to obtain a figure for DWP/ATOS related suicides under the so-called “Freedom of Information Act” produced a farce comparable to the Monty Python “Is this the right room for an argument” sketch. (2) & (3).

However, the Guardian (of all papers!) has leaked an actual DWP memo dated 25th April 2012 sent by Paul Archer, Mike Baker and Paul Williams of the DWP top brass to “All staff in Operations” admitting to an attempted DWP-related suicide the previous week and warning them to be on their guard. (4).

The facts that are slowly leaking out from behind the official cover-up show that the draconian and commercial profit-driven changes being forced upon disabled benefit claimants in Britain are having a catastrophic effect on hundreds of thousands of completely innocent people.  As long ago as March 2012, Sonia Poulton of the Daily Mail was reporting that “British People are Committing Suicide to Escape Poverty” and revealing that, even at that time, there had already occurred at least some 150 suicides amongst genuinely sick and disabled British citizens. Her report is worth reading and can be found on footnote (5). Her article also underlines the important fact that none of this immense human tragedy concerns “Benefit Cheats”:- “…This issue is not about so-called ‘scroungers’, who – aside from it being a vile, dehumanising term that should be beneath us – are few and far between. Let us not forget that the fraud disability rate is less than one per cent. No, the issue is the basic human needs that this Government is failing to take care of.”

This same article also highlights that: “…Just one week after the morally-bankrupt Welfare Reform Bill was granted royal assent, the Coalition announced widespread closure of Remploy, nationwide factories that employ disabled people. Thirty-six of its 54 factories were picked for the chop with potential compulsory redundancies of more than 1,700 disabled workers. So much for helping disabled people back into work,” said Steven Preece from the pressure group Social Welfare Advocacy.”

A letter published in the Guardian on Wednesday 14th March 2012 and signed by a senior consultant from the Royal College of Psychiatrists and by leading mental health charities states that the Welfare Reform Bill is “deeply flawed” and goes on to state: “We’ve found that the prospect of incapacity benefit reassessment is causing huge amounts of distress and tragically there have already been cases where people have taken their own life following problems with changes to their benefits.”

So this is the horrific state to which the European Union including the British Government has now regressed. Regardless of the causes of the economic crash, to solve it our present rulers are adopting the policies once employed by the Nazi State under Adolf Hitler and Reinhard “Hangman” Heydrich, in which the disabled, the mentally ill and the socially “undesirable” are accused of the crime of being a burden on the State and are marked for elimination, previously by Gestapo death-squads, now by the ATOS/DWP death squads – it makes little difference to the victims.

No matter how one judges the current situation of our country as a mere County within Europe, there is only one possible conclusion that can be drawn. The real right-wing fascists are the European Government and all its regional tentacles of oppression including the British Tory, Labour and Lib-Dem parties, whose doctrine is “Kill the Poor and Solve the Problem!”

It is now becoming overdue for the afflicted ordinary people of Britain to put a stop to their insanely optimistic electoral bouncing backwards and forwards between the Establishment Parties of Conservative and Labour, who have both failed their country abjectly. Winston Churchill once said: “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent vice of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”  As long ago as 1920, American President Woodrow Wilson stated: “The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy.”

These quotes, I submit, adequately describe the failure of traditional and long-established political parties in Britain particularly. We are in urgent need of a new, healthy, independent government which is not in league with the commercial vested interests of a corrupt, greedy and thieving monetary union.

It is, quite seriously, time for a Nationalist Electoral Revolution to begin, as, indeed, it is beginning within other oppressed and downtrodden European slave-states like tragic Greece.

It needs to now be fully recognized by the entire population that the Old Parties are perfectly prepared, like the Nazi Party, to commit mass-murder in order to retain their iron grip on Power and Position, and that the only way to defeat the New Gestapo is, quite seriously, for the victimized people now under the state jackboot to wake up, smell the decay, and make the sensible decision to cast their vote from now-on for Nationalism – the system for national self-government in the wholesome original form for which government was intended – “Government for the People by the People” and not “Government by the Elite stealing money, hope and life itself from the People!”

The country needs to wake up and smell the rot.




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  1. This is a really thought provoking article. We need more on a similar theme to reveal the real face of government.

  2. Labour and the Tories killed the British poor 30 years ago, by allowing trade union thugs to strangle the UK industrial sector to death. The final nail in the coffin was Thatcherite privatisation, which allowed the rest of the industrial world to asset strip what was left of UK industry.

    With little remaining industry to provide gainful employment, there was little left for the UK poor to do other than soak up disability benefits and turn into bums and alcoholics.

  3. This article has raised some good points. The LibLabCon political establishment are a disgrace and through their globalist policies have wrecked Britain. The way corrupt globalist politicians bail out corrupt bankers and bankrupt banks who through their greed caused the depression, whilst making the innocent british people pay for it by imposing their nonsensical ‘austerity’ policies on them shows who they really serve and it ain’t us!

    I feel so very sorry for the other European nations such as the poor Greeks loaded with illegitimate debt by their corrupt globalist politicians to sucker them into the euro, on the orders of their international bankster mafia masters orders and now on the hook to these same criminals. Talk about a huge criminal scam, time the people’s of Europe woke up to the despicable plans of these banksters to impoverish us all before enslaving us under their one world government!

    Nationalists need to make the economy and opposing the establishment’s globalisation policies a priority. People are hurting and all the main parties are puppets of the international criminal banking cartel and as such they are wedded to globalist austerity policies and can offer them no hope, we on the other hand can and should, we are their only hope!

  4. The fact of the matter is that government is too big and much of what it spends is counterproductive from the viewpoint of our own people while being sold to us as an improvement to our lives. Labour increased the size of the state in directions very difficult to reverse politically.

    Welfare has been used on a vast scale to bribe people into accepting their own replacement by immigrants. Unhappily there is no crock of gold and no easy way out now. In fact there is no way out at all which does not involve austerity if by that you mean cutting government expenditure.

    The question is what to cut. Labour simply won’t answer that question of course. And the Tories are tip toeing.

    If we go on as we are there can be no other eventual outcome but massive inflation destroying ordinary people’s savings or default on government debt which will have the same effect. This has not yet permeated national consciousness.

    Of course, there may be a hiatus before the above kicks us if there is a sudden refusal to fund more debt as tends to happen in this position. In which case there will be an economic collapse from another direction.

    The outlook is absolutely terrifying.

    How did we get in this fix? Well bankers make useful targets for politicians to distract attention from their own misdeeds which were far worse. What the bankers did was fully approved by politicians and this is being finessed. Everything the banks did was approved and angry people are inclined to forget that.

    What would you think of what you were doing if you were knighted like Fred Goodwin?

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