In Just 5 Years Time These People Will Be very Embarrassed

by Simon Fairbairn

Protest: Wrapped in blue flags and bellowing through megaphones, thousands of Remoaners descended on Westminster today to demand politicians ignore the democratic will of 17.4million Britons

Thousands of Anti-Brexit activists, led by Remoaner-in-Chief Vince Cable and  confused Bob Geldof, have demonstrated in central London.

Led by Remoaner-in-Chief Vince Cable, The People’s March For Europe carried the message ‘unite, rethink and reject Brexit’

In just 5 years time you will not hear from any pro-European union people and those reminded of the fact they were in favour of staying in the failed superstate, will be very embarrassed.

Demonstration: Addressing the demonstrators in Parliament Square with multi-millionaire singer Sir Bob Geldof, Lib Dem MP Sir Ed Davey said he was ’embarrassed for Great Britain,’ bringing cheers from the vociferous crowds

This is because Britain will be absolutely booming due to the fact that we will be trading with the whole world and actually growing and making things again.


Full story – Daily Mail

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  1. Talking about events and People in Europe , we would like to wish Good Luck to the Alternative For Germany Party in the German General Election. Like us they are a Nationalist Common Sense Political Party. Poised to take their First Seats in the German Parliament , they also are trying to Save their Country from the Multi Cultural NIGHTMARE.

    • I am off to Germany in December for a 4 day break I love that Country

      • I hope you have a happy holiday! Are you vising a Christmas Market by any chance? Germany does have some good ones. I wouldn’t mind visiting Germany to go to a Christmas Market myself. Hopefully, they won’t be having any more Islamic terror attacks on them like that awful one in Berlin last year.

  2. The EU is living on borrowed time, publicity seeker Geldof ,fantasist Cable and all their gullible sheep are typical of the denial mentality keeping the Leftie Superstate treading water before it sinks like a stone.

    Some encouraging news from Germany as the ”Far Right” has made progress in closing the gap on Europe’s arch traitor EU fanatic Angela Merkel. Well if it can happen there, with all the guilt inflicted on their people, it’s going to be happening all over Europe, which means that glorious day when the EU plunges into oblivion is getting closer with each passing day.

  3. the Remoaners are a boring arrogant self satisfied gang of traitors who are very welcome to p off and live in Europe if they so wish just don’t come back that is all especially Irish scruff Geldof the EU is doomed

  4. Dear Remoaners leave this Country and never return

    • Sadly, they won’t be doing that. Many would prefer to undermine their country from within. Some are just misguided souls but others are actively malevolent towards this country like Bliar for example.

  5. FANTASTIC NEWS FROM EUROPE ! The Decent , Common Sense Nationalist Party , ALTERNATIVE FOR GERMANY have won many seats in the German Parliament. Plenty more on this wonderful breakthrough , from John Shaw , Anglo Saxon and Andrew Brons , to follow. In the meantime British Democratic Party Members and Supporters can celebrate , that Just like our Friends in France and Holland , our Brand of GENUINE , CARING POLITICS IS MAKING HEADWAY AT LAST !

  6. UPDATE ; The ALTERNATIVE FOR GERMANY ARE BELIEVED TO HAVE WON 94 SEATS IN THE GERMAN PARLIAMENT . Just shows it can be done and with the CLASSLESS BRITISH DEMOCRATIC PARTY IT WILL BE DONE ! Join the future of nationalism in Britain , Today.

  7. The EU dictators are running scared now as people realise there is an alternative, namely The Truth. 94 seats in parliament from a patriotic party that has not been around for long is a tremendous achievement, and shows what can be done with the right people on board… welcome news for Germany and that great country so often demonised by the establishment.

    Europe now has genuine hope, With Brexit….11 million votes for Le Pen in France ….5 million going to Alternative For Germany, it really looks like the beginning of the end for the tyranny of Political Correctness and Enforced Multiculturalism. Great Stuff!

  8. Labour have not ruled out the possibility of another referendum on EU membership if they win power. News from their conference is they still cannot accept the result and the will of the British majority.

  9. The EU has just announced they are to set aside 500 million Euros to get more Africans to Europe, as they don’t think there’s enough here already. I’m sure this will make Bob Geldof very happy, but don’t expect any of them to be shacking up at one of Bob’s gaffs.

  10. When he attended the Horrible LIBDEM Party Conference last year as a mere Party Member , Vince Cable vehemently REJECTED A SECOND REFERENDUM. This year , as Party Leader , He said the reverse , DEMANDING A SECOND REFERENDUM. Reminds me of their Pledge to scrap tuition fees , only to do the opposite to get in Coalition Government ! At the end of the day , apart from their nearly Hidden , OBNOXOUS POLICIES , NOBODY TRUSTS A LIBERAL !

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