Israel Adopts BDP’s Immigration Policy

In a move which has once again exposed the Jewish British Board of Deputies’s anti-British stance as rank hypocrisy, the state of Israel has now adopted BDP-like immigration policies to preserve its identity and security.

The Israeli cabinet has just approved a $160-million (£102 million) programme to halt the influx of Africans into Israel through the construction of a border fence with Israel.

In addition, the programme will see an expansion in holding centres for illegal immigrants.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that the number of illegal immigrants “could reach 100,000 a year” and that such a population shift “posed an economic, social and security threat” to Israel.

“Entire populations are starting to move and if we don’t act to stop this we will be washed away. It’s no longer a choice but a necessity,” he said.

The Israeli government has ordered the trimming of the budgets of all other ministries to fund the building of the fence along the 193km border with Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, which is the preferred invasion route taken by Africans into Israel.

Mr Netanyahu also announced that he would soon “fly to Africa to discuss the return of migrants to their countries of origin with government leaders in several states.”

“We have no obligation to receive illegal migrants,” he said, adding that there were currently more than 50,000 illegal migrants in Israel and their numbers increase by about 2000 every month.

The invaders have formed sizeable blocks in cities in southern Israel and in the poorest sections of Tel Aviv. Many residents and local officials have protested their presence, citing increased crime and sanitation problems.

The Israeli cabinet also decided to impose fines of up to $20,000 on businesses employing illegal immigrants. “If need be, we’ll shut down these enterprises so that the enterprise we call ‘the State of Israel’ won’t be shut down,” said Mr Netanyahu.

Earlier, Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai called on Mr Netanyahu to “take immediate emergency action to guard the state borders from illegal immigration and infiltration, as is expected from all sovereign countries.”

Writing in an open letter, Mayor Huldai said that “the State of Israel cannot continue to avoid the growing surge of infiltrators when it is clear to all that they are immigrating for work [purposes] and are not in existential danger.”

In response, Mr Netanyahu said he agreed that he considered “this phenomena a threat to our economy, society, security and also to the demographic fabric that the State of Israel is still based upon.”

In other words, Israel has adopted commonsense policies which are designed to keep Israel Jewish. There is nothing wrong with this principle, and it is all that British nationalists have been calling for as well.

The new development once again exposes the rank hypocrisy of the British Board of Deputies. They unconditionally endorse Israel and its right to existence, yet are actively involved in denying that same right to the British people.

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  1. In Israel there are tens of thousands of cheap labourers from the Philippines, Thailand & other fareast cos. These bogus asylum seekers from Somalia, Eritrea,Sudan etc. are mainly Muslims. Israel is fully aware of the danger that comes with the ‘religion of peace’.

  2. When Zionist Jewish organisations like the Board of Deputies organise campaigns against nationalist parties and individuals in Britain we should point out to the electorate this utter hypocrisy of their supporting the right of Israel to remain an overwhemingly Jewish country whilst condemming the British people’s right to have a country we can call our own.

  3. I was surprised to see African asylum seekers in Israel on a RT report over the summer.
    To be quite frank I am glad Israel is now cracking down. If they can do it then we have a good case.
    I am all for Jewish people preserving their identity and genetic heritage. I just wish we could do the same.
    The truth is plain to see. There is no need to condemn the hypocrisy, just point out the facts to people. We need to support Jewish identity to show we respect them but not tolerate their wrongdoings and any disrespect they have for non Jewish people.
    There are Jews who are Zionist extremists, some are communists, some are liberals. I am sure there are many who see our point of view too.

  4. What hypocrites! Perhaps the British Board of Deputies would like to explain why it is acceptable for Israel to pursue these policies that will ensure Israel remains ethnically Jewish and yet they disagree with such venom that we Britons should be allowed to pursue those self same policies to ensure we also remain ethnically British? If we do not receive a reply to that question I’m sorry to have to say that this demonstrates that Israel, and her representatives in Britain, obviously do not believe that we do have an equal right to survive as a people. Some might even speculate that this demonstrates that they actually wish to see our destruction as a coherent and distinctive race. If this is true I find it deeply offensive as we sacrificed so many of our people fighting against those who wished to wipe out the entire Jewish race. Where is their appreciation for that? If the British Board of deputies continue to vilify British Nationalists then this only goes to prove how utterly devious and two faced these people are.

  5. Good for Medinat Israel. What about the hypocrisy of the Africans, never mind the Board of Deputies of UK Jews? The Africans wanted us out of Africa (quite right) but now they want to be back with us in our country! But this is against equality. If they can have their countries we can have ours. It is also against independence. The Africans wanted to be independent of us; and now we want to be independent of them!

    I think it is good that the State of Israel has copied our policies because they are not only sensible but Biblical, being from the Jewish Old Testament (see Genesis 10).

    But we must pray for the Board of Deputies of UK Jews – that they may cease being hypocrites and that they may ask for Britain what the State of Israel is putting in place for itself.

  6. The Jews are right on this issue why should they accept all these Africans but we should have the right to refuse these immigrants without being called racist.we dont want these africans or Asians full stop there are too many of them in the world there populations are too big.

  7. Can someone tell me whats going on with the BNP? were becoming the minority in our own country and everyones infighting…I noticed Andrews link has been taken down in the wake of the farce of a leadership election. Will this be resolved? because time is running out…does anyone understand that or will continue to pursue personal agendas when the state of our country is that of a 3rd world cesspitt.

  8. In all decency i feel that i must oppose the belief that Israel is right to keep these people out and remove those who have already entered. The modern concept of a multi-cultural society has it origins among postwar thinkers who are almost all jewish. We in Britain have been “persuaded” of the “advantages” of having a multi-cultural and diverse society so now i would like to repay this great kindness by making sure that the people of Israel do not miss out on the same experience because of some shallow and outmoded thinking! I long to see Israel benefit from the presence of hundreds of different languages,races and cultures within their existing borders,all happily co-existing side by side as they do in Britain in places like Moss Side and Brixton!

    They may resist such obvious improvements to their society but the rest of the world must impress upon them that it is for their own good and that long term they have nothing to fear from being outbred in their own country because such fears are simply racism in disguise and must be confronted at every opportunity! Think how much safer and stronger Israel will be when it has learnt to embrace real diversity and everyone can sit on the beach and sing Kumbaya!

  9. Moriarty, I bet its not your real name you are such a racist. People like you who do not give other nations, peoples the right to live in their own country under their own culture and religion are of the worst kind of racist, because you are of the worst kind of liberal one can get. You like to give away other peoples freedom, land, money, security, goods untill those people either become the minority in their country of birth. We call you and those who cannot stay in their own countries and make a go of it modern day invaders More to the point your kind with your attitude create social, civil and all kinds of racial problems not to mention the high crime created which could have been avoided in the first place. The mark you make is when you start to loose what is valuable to you then one sees what comes out of you just like Stalin did to his people in the USSR and north Korea is doing now to those who oppose its hated policies. The most famous immigrant who should be an example to all the world especially for people like you her name is Ruth. She was an Moabite woman who left her country and became a Israelite. She said to Naomi her mother in law. Your god will be my God, Your people my people, where you die and are buried I will die and be buried etc. In other words if one leaves your country of origin and move to another country there should be a law that says that now the new country is your home and you must give up your culture and take on what the new country has as its culture. If you do not like the culture of the country you are hoping to go and live in do not go choose one that suits you. STEP UP THE RESISTANCE TO THIS MADNESS OF LETTING EVERY DICK TOM AND HARRY COME ACCROSS BORDERS AND UPSET THE BALANCE OF POWER AS LONG TERM THIS WILL LEAD TO CIVIL WAR IN THOSE COUNTRIES WHERE PEOPLE LISTEN TO WHAT YOU SAY. JUST LOOK AND SEE !!!!!!!!!!

  10. Well done Israel ! They consider mass immigration ( legal and illegal) to be “a threat to our economy, society,security and also the demographic fabric that the state of Israel is still based upon”. Substitute the name BRITAIN and there you have it ! The only SENSIBLE POLICY of our country and ANY other, including Israel ! ! !

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