Government Cancer!

By Peter Mills.  



Cancer is a dreadful disease, we all know this. However, it seems not to be restricted to living organisms – the British governmental system across all mainstream parties has now also become debilitated by a form of cancer. Impossible? Consider…

Cancer survives and grows by taking over previously healthy cells within a body. This is what makes it so difficult to eradicate, because killing-off infected cells also tends to damage otherwise healthy cells. More scientifically, cancer is known as a malignant neoplasm and is characterized by the onset of unregulated cell growth. This forms a tumor (or neoplasm), which is defined as a collection of mutated cells which undergo unnatural growth.

Put simply, a cancerous tumor forms itself into a growth which has only one single purpose: to grow as large as it can, fed by an increasing consumption of available bodily nutrition which is consequently denied to healthy organs. Thus, healthy parts of the body are weakened because the cancer is greedily soaking up available nutrition.

How, then, can this process have anything to do with politics?

The analogy is with the quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization, otherwise more familiarly known as the Quango. To understand the accuracy of the analogy, let us repeat the definition of cancer given a couple of paragraphs ago, but this time in terms of political administration, not biology.

The Quango survives and grows by taking over previously healthy departments within a government. This is what makes it so difficult to eradicate, because killing-off a Quango also tends to damage the otherwise healthy purpose it was set up to fulfill. The Quango is defined as a collection of mutated bureaucrats which undergo unnatural growth.

Put simply, the Quango forms itself into a growth which has only one single purpose, to grow as large as it can, fed by an increasing consumption of available financial nutrition which is consequently denied to healthy government offices. Thus, healthy parts of government are weakened because the Quango is greedily soaking up available nutrition.

Quangos, like cancers, are a useless, dangerous, self-feeding, self-enlarging growth which have no actual method of ultimately benefitting the organism they infect and weaken.

A classic parasitical Quango, a major cancerous growth within Britain’s body politic, is the Environment Agency. To quote the excellent article by Leo McKinstry in the Daily Mail (February 12th): “…it is unable to fulfill its essential duties because it is drowning in wasteful bureaucracy and fashionable dogma.”

Put in simple terms, the Environment Agency Quango under its chairman Lord Smith – celebrated as one of the first openly gay MPs and for being the first MP to acknowledge that he is HIV positive (1) – has evidently been so busy growing and organizing its administrative systems that insufficient nourishment has been available to fund its actual original purpose – to safeguard the environment!

Consequently, huge numbers of the innocent population of our country are now having to abandon their flooded homes and wade to higher ground because the drainage channels have not been dredged for years (too expensive!) and flood defences have not been adequately improved (too expensive!) and alternative mass house-building sites which are not blocking-up flood plains have not been implemented or even considered (too expensive!).

One cannot help but speculate how much dredging might possibly have been carried out if Lord Smith’s salary as Quango Chairman since July 2008 (£97,365 per year for a 3-day working week (2), total: over half a million by the time he goes in July this year) had been spent, instead, on helping his Quango to do its job properly, instead of being just another useless, cash-devouring, self-growth parasitical cancer on the body politic?

Further proof of just how urgently Britain needs a Nationalist government, which can put the needs of the country before the needs of the bureaucratic cancers!






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  1. Another political analogy of a cancer is the European Union, which seems dogmatically hell bent on growing as large as possible, like a tumour. Devouring nation states and destroying the integrity and health of those same previously healthy nations and their people. Multiculturalism could also be seen as a kind of cancer. The subsequent result being a nation and a people who have lost their uniqueness and are more easily ruled over by the malignant, undemocratic, corrupt EU parliament full of left-wing megalomaniacs.

    • You’re absolutely right there, Geoff. The EU is a runaway rogue political cancer. Its original brief, shortly after World War 2, was to provide a “Common Market” where goods could be sold across borders without extra “foreign trade” surcharges. The catastrophic mistake was to let politicians supervise it, and bureaucrats run it! It should have been run only by businesspeople. Thus the EU mutated into an all-devouring cancerous monster which continuously sprouts new tentacles. The EU monster would make a good horror film!

  2. Apparently, the EA have saved £10m by not dredging. I wonder what the debit figure will be? 200 or 300 times that figure? More?

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