Brazil:  Never mind the football – Is it the Future of Britain?

By Tim Haydon.



Brazil has obviously been much in the news of late for Football Reasons. But there is another good reason why we should pay attention to Brazil. This country has been held up as an excellent example of one which is racially mixed but racially at ease.

Visitors to this site may remember an article entitled ‘The Implications of No – Go Areas and a Possible Future for Britain’. That article noted the way in which Britain seems to be self-segregating into areas characterised by a preponderance of individuals of one kind of ethnicity or another. It suggested that the way our country is headed could be into a patchwork of ethnic statelets, like the Balkans.

But an Office for National Statistics Report (ONS) report (Dec 2012) said that  the British were becoming much more relaxed about mixed race partnerships. There were now a million people in the country who were of mixed race. They were becoming ‘the new normal’, it was claimed.

Given the relentless propaganda on the part of  self-hating white left liberals in the BBC and elsewhere who are eager to see the end of the white race for reasons which seem pathological to anyone with any sense, a  million people of mixed race does not constitute much success in their endeavour, still less a ‘new normal’. What this statement does constitute though, is a breathless optimism on their part that this should be so.

But are things eventually headed that way?  Will ethnic preference, which has been a strong and entirely normal feature of human society so long as it has existed, die out in Britain thanks to social engineering, so that its future population will be homogenously coffee coloured? We have all seen, in the street and elsewhere, couples who are of different ethnicity and their mixed – race children. Is the apparent segregation of the ethnicities in this country illusory, merely a temporary phenomenon which is due to be eclipsed in the not too distant future by a rising tide of the mixed–race?

After the horrors of the Second World War, researchers cast around for an example of a society characterised by racial harmony and settled on this South American country as providing one. So if we want to look into crystal ball to see our country’s future, perhaps we should be looking at Brazil.

Like Britain, Brazil is a multiracial society. Its population consists of Europeans (mostly of Portuguese but also including some of German, Italian and other European descent, Japanese, Blacks (the descendants of slaves), Native Americans and Hybrids. 51% define themselves as black or brown.

Like Britain today and unlike the United States, there was never any institutionalised segregation in Brazil as a result of slavery.  Mixing was the norm and the result is a spectrum of skin colour rather than a dichotomy as in the USA

Like Britain, this absence of a race dichotomy has led many observers to cite Brazil as a society where no racial prejudice is exhibited by whites against the others.  Eerily reminiscent of the ludicrous optimism about race relations in Britain of the British multicultural and multiracial enthusiast Fraser Nelson, Editor of the Spectator and Daily Telegraph contributor, the Brazilian sociologist Gilberto Freyre (1945 p9) claimed that ‘race relations in Brazil are probably the nearest approach to paradise to be found anywhere in the world. Other researchers claimed that Brazil was a ‘non-racist’ society in which ‘racial democracy‘ flourished. (Winant, 1990, p.174)

Like Britain though, racial feeling (or ‘racism’ in the Marxist jargon) is present but veiled. Hypocrisy may be a key characteristic of the social attitudes of the British, but it is not unique to them.

Subsequent UNESCO – funded studies in the 1950’s found that Afro-Brazilians remained overwhelmingly concentrated in the lowest economic strata.  Other researchers noted a racial / skin colour dimension to the socio – economic hierarchy, eg ‘light skin carries higher status’ (Foster, Hitchcock and Lyimo, 200. P32)  On average, the income of whites is slightly more than double that of black or brown Brazilians, according to IPEA, a government-linked think-tank.

Those who try to excuse the poor relative performance of blacks and mixed race people in the economy by reference to past injustice and lack of opportunity due to racial discrimination must also try to explain away the success of other racial groups, scarcely more advantaged, which have soared socio-economically. The Japanese, for example, arrived as barely literate at best, indentured labourers to work on the coffee plantations. However, within a generation they became owner-farmers with a productivity eight times that of their Brazilian counterparts.  Despite being heavily discriminated against, especially during WW2, they came to dominate the fruit and vegetable markets of Sao Paulo and are now mostly middle class. In the 1980 census, 10% of the Japanese had a university degree (Whites 6.4%) while for men between the ages of 18 and 64, Japanese earnings were 61% higher than those of whites.

The truth is that the traditional explanation for the poor performance of non –white Brazilians is the correct one. This is that it is due to class and class in turn is broadly the result of inherited ability. The mean IQ of the Japanese in Brazil was tested at 99 (SPM), Europeans at 95, Mulatto (ie mixed Black / White) at 81 and Black at 71. Paine et al (1992) tested Black IQ at 70 (DAM) and at 64 (SPM). (Lynn 2008, p 69).  Entrenched privilege and attitudes have a part to play, that is for sure, but privilege and discrimination did not stop the Japanese (or the Jews) from rising.

We have explored some of the ways in which the racial nature of Brazilian society resembles that of Britain but must now say something about the differences and how these might lead to an alternative future for this country.

Like Britain, The racial groups in Brazil tend to live in separate areas. It was noted as early as the 1940’s (Pierson, 1942) that the major racial groups tended to self –segregate.  Just 7% of those living in the country’s richer districts are black, while it can’t have escaped the notice of TV viewers of the Brazilian scene in the World cup period that the inhabitants of the slum Favelas are mostly black and other non-whites.

In Britain, however, self –segregation, which is becoming more marked, is  likely to expand and rapidly consolidate.  This is because, whereas in Brazil Whites and most non-Whites broadly share the same Portuguese-based culture and religion, the major part of the non-White population in Britain is actively hostile to White culture and religion, and has been encouraged in this by official policies of multiculturalism.

These cultural and religious differences militate against opportunities and any inclination which might exist for miscegenation as between Whites and practicing Muslims and /or those living in a traditional  sub-continental way in ethnic areas of Britain. Where pairing between Asians and Whites does arise, and this is not very frequent, the Asian tends to be either a non-practicing Muslim or non-Muslim in a middle class occupation while the White (usually female) is also middle class.

As for pairings between Whites and Blacks; it is very noticeable that these are most often (70% or more) between a Black male and a lower or underclass White female. This is line with the observation that people tend to mate with others of the same intelligence level as themselves.  (The London University evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa has a theory about the sex imbalance for which he has been much excoriated by the usual suspects. He argues that because black females have a relatively high level of testosterone, they are more masculine and so less attractive sexually. Correspondingly, the high level of  testosterone in black males make them attractive to some non-black, especially low IQ females (See above).

Thus, the major part of the non-White population is not available to pair with Whites while, with regard to the Black and Afro-Caribbean population, pairings are restricted to the lowest levels of society. Other kinds of racial pairings are not significant in frequency.

The net result would seem to be a society which will continue to self –segregate on racial lines as suggested in the article The Implications of No – Go Areas and a Possible Future for Britain’.  Unlike in Brazil where essentially there is one racial / socio-economic continuum from White to Black, Britain will be more complex. Here, there will be a growing mixed race population whose members might attach themselves to either the White, Asian or Black population as the case may but as in Brazil may also self-identify as mixed race.

The Asian / Whites might be absorbed into the White middle class population (Higher IQ Asians tend to be lighter skinned), while the Black / Whites are more likely to self-identify as Blacks, as is the case in the USA.  It is possible that mixed race people will self-identify as just that, as in South Africa. In that case, the mixed race ‘community’ will itself be stratified with higher IQ Asian / Whites at the top and Black / Whites at the bottom (Black /Asian couplings are very rare, because lower – IQ Blacks are unlikely partners for the kind of secular or non-Muslim middle class Asians who might partner a White.)

What the example of Brazil (and other racially mixed countries) tells us is that contrary to the expectations of left / liberal social engineers, race and racial preference does not go away.

On the contrary, race simply asserts itself in self segregation and adds a potentially toxic further dimension to the inevitable strains of class. Race becomes strongly identified with class. Class divisions are reinforced as a result.

That this, which must be a kind of nightmare scenario for any leftist / liberal, seems to be inevitable is a most powerful argument against the artificial creation of such societies, as is being attempted in Britain.

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  1. By-election in Thurmaston 31st July:

    British Democrats

  2. You’ll find in the Third World people spend a lot of money trying to make themselves look white. Yet our leaders seem determined to eradicate the white European race.

    Why would any intelligent person commit racial suicide?

  3. Just to add to Tim’s conclusions about race and class becoming identified together by miscegenation. That this is the nightmare of leftist/liberals is not necessarily the case as one feature of Marxist ideology is class warfare within society.

    By making a class more defined, and racially is the strongest possible way, it creates a scenario in which the proletarian uprising that Marxists desperately desire becomes far more likely.

    If class and race become indivisible and unchangeable then those who find themselves within an underclass of low income and low expectations are much more likely to be influenced by the Marxist ideology of improving their lot by violent revolution.

  4. The left are by default anti-nature and seem willing to suffer the implications of ghettoisation themselves whilst preaching equality and diversity.

  5. Amid all the gushing by the media about Britain’s ‘heating up melting pot’ it was rather overlooked that it is not, by and large, white Brits who are being melted. It may be that 9% of relationships are ‘inter-ethnic’ but we are involved in fewer than half of them and in most cases where there is a White British partner the other partner is also white (Irish or ‘white other’)! Just 1.4% of all relationships involve a white British partner and a non-white. So the press reaction is nothing but spin based on wishful thinking.

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