Black Good, White Bad

By Southwest Nationalist. Poor Steve Williams, former caddie to golfer Tiger Woods, he’s in deep trouble after a chance remark calling Tiger Woods a “black a**hole”.

The media are baying for his blood, the racism Gestapo are ready to yank fingernails and have a firing squad standing waiting, all of the usual hysteria.

Now, of course the comment was tasteless and crude, but a huge racial insult and possible quitting offence?

There’s a huge double standard around the words ‘black’ and ‘white’.

Two people who posted comments on the Daily Mail story can serve perfectly to illustrate the point.

“I agree with Tinkerbell, a**hole would have sufficed. You wouldn’t call someone a white a**hole would you” – posted by That’s not Cricket.

True, white a**hole is seldom heard.

Then again, neither are white businessman, white golfer, white athlete, white role model, and so on almost endlessly. Nor are any white events or awards ever heard of, but there are plenty of black ones.

We can really boil this down rather simply to an excellent example of double standards and thought control.

Black can be used in any positive context, and that’s fine, indeed it should be used in positive contexts as much as possible. Every time the word black is uttered it is to be an act of promotion.

Should black be used in a negative context, it becomes abhorrent and racist, he who dares to utter such blasphemy will be punished.

White, that is never to be used in any positive context, it is not to be mentioned. When whites do anything positive their whiteness is never to be referred to.

However, white can be used in a negative context, that is acceptable. In fact, it should only ever be used in a negative context, else not referred to at all.

Our perfect example comes in the Daily Mail comments to this story yet again. Since these comments are moderated, one presumes the Daily Mail allowed it.

“He’s white trash Kiwi, what do you expect. He has delusions of granduer [sic] and actually thinks he’s the one playing the golf” – posted by David, Melbourne, Australia.

White trash fine. Black a**hole not. Indeed, white trash is a pretty commonly heard saying on TV and so on, especially on USA shows, nobody bats an eyelid. Those saying it would no doubt have fun with the thought police should they say black trash.

Language and thought go hand in hand, and we see one colour only permissible to utter in a positive light, another colour which is not to be spoken of at all, unless of course it’s in a negative fashion.

Black is always to be good, white is always to be bad or at the very least ignored. Anything else would be deemed racist.

Controlling words is a major step towards controlling thought, and it’s blatantly obvious what the racism witch hunters would like us to think when it comes to black and white.

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  1. This is, I am afraid, fairly typical. You can hear examples every day on the streets, where nonwhites can call each other by racially-charged names without anyone batting an eyelid. But let you as a white person use one of those words, and you will literally find yourself charged with “race hate”.

  2. Does anyone remember that farce which concerned Shilpa Shetty and the late Jade Goody? While residing in the Big Brother house Goody had called Shilpa “Shilpa poppadom”, although not to her face. Well that was a serious enough racist incident to have British government ministers publicly apologizing to the whole of India. It went without a murmur in the media when, only a few days later, a black male resident of the Big Brother house called Jade Goody “white trash” when consoling the apparently deeply hurt Shilpa. Two things occur to me in all of this. One is that if a white male resident of the house had used the term “black trash” he would have been soundly condemned as a racist. Perhaps Government ministers would have also queued up to denounce him and made grovelling apologies to the entire black population of Britain. The other one is that Jade Goody was part black, on her fathers side I believe. Why would she want to be seen as a racist? Was there some other agenda here, especially as it conveniently took attention away from a C4 Dispatches programme which was being broadcast at the time called “Undercover Mosque”? Either way this shows the complete double standard that separates what is allowed to be said about whites from that which can be said about all non-whites.

  3. The establishment’s double-standards and hypocrisy know no bounds. Never seems to be any problems with honkies or rednecks does there, but call somebody a wog or some such deogatory name and race commissars are after your blood!!!!

    Let me get this right calling someone an arsehole or in the case of the Terry/Ferdinand alleged incident a bastard is ok and nobody has a problem, but prefix the expletive with black merely a descriptive colour is deemed an absolutely evil sin and unleashes the fury of hell down upon you……..absolute planned madness!

  4. It’ s just cultural marxism at work. According to this vile doctrine, ‘Racism’ is ‘prejudice plus power’.
    Whites are the powerful ‘oppressing’ group simply because there are more of them and this is their culture – this being their homeland (for the present),

    If you buy into this inhuman madness & /or stupidity (and there are plenty who do – you get it constantly on the BBC) it is therefore only whites who are capable of ‘racism’. Hence the otherwise baffling existence of such ‘double standards’.

    Actually cultural marxism is a tool for the oppression of the majority and anti-white discrimination. It is fundamentally anti-democratic, which is why oppressive, freedom-destroying laws are needed to impose political correcness, including squeezing out anti -cultural marxist political opinion from the public square and abolishing free speech.

    Because the entire political class believes or purports to believe this anti-democratic rubbish, it means that the majority population is disenfranchised and being dispossessed regardless of who they vote for.

    Will the end result be a popular insurrection? Will the British rise up and wreak revenge on their rulers and oppressors?

    Who knows? But when true democracy is denied for long enough, when economic conditions rapidly deteriorate, when the old certainties based on the norms of a now deliberately destroyed society disappear, anything is possible.

    • The idea that only whites can be ‘racists’ is a pernicious, evil, white-hating lie designed to oppress and dispossess them.

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