BDP Launch – Part 2 Audio



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  1. Serious capable people and an impressive level of thought being put into the details of how the BDP should run.

  2. Can’t believe I wasted my time with the BNP. The massive corruption was only too clear but we chose to look the other way. What fools we were. I have confidence in the Brit Dems. I cant understand why anyone would want to stay with the donate party.

  3. Can’t hear the audio on my iPods or tablet and my laptop is out of action,it must be a different format to the first part,can you do somthing about it.

  4. Slater reflects the feelings of utter despair many of us expelled from the BNP experienced for up to a decade. Can’t you see it’s become a crazy cult we screamed in perplexity. Why do you go on supporting this man?

    Most nationalists seemed prepared to accept any treatment at all from the BNP. Beaten, insulted and grotesquely exploited you had to question whether nationalists had lost their wits and entered into a mass insanity. The state must have rubbed its hands in glee at its good luck.

    It’s clear that the BDP is nothing like the BNP but it’s going to take a little while for confidence to be regained.

  5. Now I have heard both parts of the meeting, I must say I am very impressed with the presentations and intelligent contributions of all concerned. I can now see how the concepts that have been put forward as to how the new party will take shape are very encouraging and wish it every success.

  6. Congratulations for getting the Brit Dems off the ground –a new, clean, serious alternative to the wrecked BNP and the LibLabCON-TRICK.
    I suspect UKIP has already been infiltrated by the perfidious Globalist gang and their dirty-money. Please, never ever accept any donations from the big corporations, no matter how tempting. Rely on the membership.

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