Labour’s Immigration Idiocy to be Laid Bare

By Southwest Nationalist. A previously-hidden collection of five studies on immigration, commissioned by the Labour Party, are finally to see the light of day which will reveal the truth about Britain’s colonisation and the myth of “economic benefits.”

The reports, already leaked to the Telegraph, the snippets which they have published are already a savage indictment of let ’em all in Labours abject failings on immigration, and raise many questions about why they chose to conceal the truth from us.

Among revelations in the documents aired by the Telegraph, we find the conclusion that immigrants to Britain are more likely to be out of work than the native population, and far less likely to engage in any form of “civic participation”.

Also, more than one third of London’s population has been born outside of the UK. One third of those living in our capital! And the politicians have the gall to tell us that we are not being colonised?

Migrants from Bulgaria and Romania are shown to be more likely to have four or more children – colonisation by the cradle again, placing huge strain on education, NHS, and the welfare state.

As with recent figures which have shown Poland’s population decline whilst the number of Poles in Britain increase, the reports show that the population of both Bulgaria and Romania also declined between 2004 to 2010. Need we tell you that at the same time the number of Bulgarians and Romanians in the UK increased astronomically?

Unsurprisingly, the obvious also happened – unemployment levels in Bulgaria and Romania fell, whereas in the UK they increased. Who could have guessed that is what will happen when you have too many people chasing too few jobs?

On which note, also shown by the reports, is the fact that Bulgarians and Romanians were more likely to claim unemployment benefits than either native Brits or other migrants groups in Britain.

And, what is the best that Labour can manage to say on the issue?  Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper admits that Labour “got things wrong” on immigration.

Admitting you “got things wrong” is all fine and dandy, even though it is a huge understatement and does absolutely nothing to repair the damage which has been done to Britain.

Saying you should have done it differently, great help to us.

What are the Labour party going to do in order to undo and reverse the nightmare of mass immigration and overpopulation, along with the burdens that places on all of our critical services and national infrastructure?

Nothing, that’s what. You got it wrong, and we’re expected to live with it for ever more.

Many believe that Labour didn’t get it wrong by accident, there was design there. Whatever the truth, the Labour legacy is an overcrowded nation flooded with immigrants, and it is a legacy which – despite Cameron’s tough talking – ConDem has carried on.

Getting it wrong just doesn’t cut it one bit, politicians seem to get it wrong all too often, and it is always us and Britain left paying the price.

Instead of just holding up hands with a weak “we got it wrong” and not even the decency to offer a true apology, how about admitting to the full extent of just how you got it wrong, the damage which that has caused, and then actually doing something that will put it right for once?

No, of course not, your wrongs are something the rest of us will be paying the price of for a long time, and you’ll just expect us to lump it and accept a half hearted semi apology in the way of penitence.

Our society has been changed forever as a result of your getting it wrong, and the process of change is ongoing – and it isn’t change for the better.

Labour was, and is, a disaster for Britain – and sadly, as we are finding out currently, Tory and Liberal are no better.

Not only have all of them got it wrong, they all continue to get it wrong. We can see with our own eyes that Britain and Britain’s future is not safe in any of their hands.

Whichever of them is in power Britain will continues its journey towards overpopulated and colonised land, and by way of an excuse we’ll get no more than a “we got things wrong” from the lot of them.

Many times we don’t even get that feeble excuse though, normally it’s point at one of the other parties and tell us that “they got it wrong”.

As they make excuses and trade blame, and do nothing in the way of fixing things, the colonisation of our Britain continues.

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  1. Basically it isn’t that New Labour don’t care for the ordinary people of Britain that they were supposed to represent; It is that they despise them.

    What other real explanation is there for their importation of the dregs of other countries in the way that they have done in order to ‘enrich’ and ‘improve’ us?

    What is amazing is that the swathes of the British working class continue to vote for these disgusting people. They must be ignorant of New Labour’s attitude. If so, that is a failure on the part of the BNP at least.

    Also, there is the fact the Gordon Brown’s policy at the start of his Chancellorship was to double public expenditure. So the now welfare-dependent underclass, along with the imported immigrant population, votes New Labour in order to keep the benefits flowing, as planned.

    This is regardless of the fact that Broon plunged this country into deep debt even before the credit crunch, the worst effects of which his enthusiasm for globalisation ensured this country was wide open to. Those receiving welfare benefits and inflated public -sector salaries seem to think that money grows on trees. More likely they couldn’t care less where it comes from so long as this money keeps heading their way.

    New Labour was the greatest disaster to hit this country since the Black Death. Everything it touched turned to dross, including the country itself.

    And David Cameron thinks himself the heir to Blair, its head and instigator it ?????


  2. The simple fact laid bare for all to see is – the Labour Party hates the British people.
    Afterall it was Jack Straw, former Labour Home Secretary, who wrote “the English as a race are not worth saving.” But still the sheeple vote for their own destruction and that of their children.
    The founders of the real Labour movement must be spinning in their graves as they watch the continued betrayal of the British people by their successors.
    Today’s Labour Party is an insult to their memory.

  3. I was looking at youtube yesterday and came across a video which frightend the life out of me .EURABIA-LONDONISTAN.This is the end for all of us if nothing is done shortly.It is the biggest fortress ive ever seen and it’s not for the English ,God help us.

  4. If you want to know the truth about Labour’s immigration ‘policy’ (actually it wasn’t a policy, it was just ‘let them all in’), just google the words ‘Andrew Neather immigration’.
    This will lead you a whole host of links and most importantly the original Andrew Neather Evening Standard article where Neather, a senior Labour Party apparatchik (ie never done a day’s graft in his life, cushy job with big money, champagne lifestyle with domestic servants, student union level of politics etc), was dmb enough to let slip the REAL reasons behind Labour’s policy to destroy immigration controls.
    Basically, it was for a number of reasons:

    1/.Destroy working class wages so that people like Neater can have cheap domestic servants.
    2/. Dispossess the British of their ancestral homeland once and for all, so that ‘multiculturalism’ is never questioned.
    3/. ‘World citizenship’ guff.

  5. People in this country still tend to believe that Labour – as they put it – “got it wrong”.
    Quite the contrary! Labour got exactly what they wanted – utter transformation of this country (for what may end up being forever).
    Labour got it “right”, from the start when they started to secretly abandon and otherwise relax various laws on settlement as soon as they got in office, right through to signing up for various international treaties, huge foreign student numbers and abuse of the system being encouraged – and all their efforts at supposedly “cracking down” on such abuse ending up actually fuelling even more.
    They whittled away the UKBA to be totally hamstrung and ineffective, did not get to grips with deporting people, opened the floodgates to even more countries being eligible for entry, and generally supported the whole “immigration industry” – which is probably worth £Billions to many people such as lawyers, translators, diversity awareness specialists, asylum and welfare groups – no doubt all paid with our money.
    A Labour minister is also on record congratulating immigrants for sending their welfare money “home”. This is not the attitude and approach of a government that “whoops” – “made a mistake”.
    Labour wanted to destroy the sense of homogeneity in this country once and for all, and import a new electorate that is dependent on welfare and the state. They are international socialists, Marxists, Trotskyists, working for their “world vision” instead of the interests of the British people who they are supposedly there to represent.
    Labour is not incompetent, it was not a mistake, not mismanagement, not lack of foresight, not an unfortunate run of it. It is just too much to believe that “we made a mistake” can even cross their lips as being the truth. Nobody, no party, could plot, plan, starve facts, instigate, propel, such a massive nation changing immigration boom by accident or through incompetency.
    Besides, they have covered up a whole host of reports, studies and policies – including the one relating to Andrew Neather – which have indicated that immigration is bringing crime and not having any significant economic value.
    They knew what was going on, but chose to let it continue – and smother the evidence whilst pumping out pro-immigration propaganda tirelessly in the media and through their chums in the BBC – who were often inviting such disgusting pro-immigration mouthpieces as Phillipe Legraine onto their debate and news shows in order to smear and chastise even the very authoritative, impeccable and ‘mainstream’ Andrew Green of Migration Watch.
    I read in the paper today that Labour STILL – even after this “revelation” – have no real intention of stopping or even restricting immigration!
    “Mr Miliband told Sky News: ‘I’m not going to make promises that I can’t keep. We need a tough immigration policy but I think free movement of labour is right for Britain.’ ”
    Plus, I see it is the poor old Poles and Eastern Europeans who are getting the brunt of the blame in the newspaper reports and Labour mouths…..but wasn’t something like 2/3rd’s of immigration under Labour from OUTSIDE the EU, ie the only area they could really claim to have control of entry on?! Why single out the Poles etc when the non-Europeans are probably the ones who have been the most disastrous for the future of this country – such as Pakistani’s and Somali?
    It is good to be proven right, yet also, not good to be proven right. Will the “pro-immigration” shriekers now be silenced?……hmmn, why I do I doubt that they will?.
    Unfortunately for Nationalists, with no access to mainstream television, this current spate of ‘official’ revelations and endless immigration related stories is going pretty much into the ether when we really should be up there as an official challenger like Marine Le Pen.
    Hopefully though, it will all generally seep into the discourse and begin to overthrow some of the rhetoric that has been slung against us (and our points of view) regarding what is happening and is likely to further happen in the future.
    The mood music CD is running out for the main-three at the moment, the potential for support should hopefully be quietly swelling up.
    “Oops, we got it wrong!” and “lessons will be learned!” etc is just not going to be enough for most of us. How it will wash with the public and how the tri-headed party will somehow twist and manipulate the stage-show that is poltics, has yet to be seen. No doubt millions of gullible idiots will still vote for Labour next time! Tragic.

  6. An excellent post from British Activism. One point needs to be brought out very strongly.

    Since New Labour continues ot believe in the free flow of labour, that means the eventual complete destruction of Britain and the utter dispossession of the British people who are already being made to feel like strangers in the land of their ancestors.

    It also means that Britain is seen by New Labour and by the Cameroonian libertarians not as the homeland of a nation, the cradle of a cuture and a way of life but merely as a strip of territory where people make of a living. This is fundamentally marxoid thinking.

    Since this is the case it surely follows that it doesn’t really matter a hoot to them whether it is the native British who make a living, or anyone else and that what goes on here is not of great importance so long as livings can be made. So the British people and what happens to them, their culture, way of life. religion etc etc – these of are of no account. so far as their so-called representatives are concerned.

    You know, we might as well have been conquered by hostile, total aliens as have these people in charge of our country.

  7. This is the sanest bit of reporting I’ve yet come across from the BBC. apart for the constant references to ‘extremists’ which is a falsehood considering that (for example) according to a Daily Mail report of 5th Septemeber last, three quarters of the population agree that there are too many immigrants in the country,.

    Could the BBC be getting the message that people think it is merely the mouthpiece of the Guardian-reading classes?

    Anything is possible when its future may be at stake because of its bias.

  8. They knew we wouldn’t vote for the EU so they decided to wipe us out.

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