“Capital of Europe” to be Overrun — This is What the Multi-Culturalists Want

Brussels, the unofficial “capital of Europe” is already more than 25 percent Muslim, and when other non-Muslim Third World immigrants are added in, at least 57 percent of the city’s population is non-European in origin.

Given that the “foreign-born” proportion of Brussels in 1961 was only 7.3 percent — and most of that was Europeans of other nationalities — it can be seen that white European people are set to be ethnically cleansed from the headquarters of the EU well within the next two decades.

This then, is the future which the evil multi-culturalists and deranged liberals want for all of Europe: a continent cleansed of white people.

According to calculations Belgian sociologist Jan Hertogen, the transformation of Brussels is “an impressive and unique evolution in a European of even world perspective.”

His figures show that in 1991, 28.5 percent of the Brussels population was of “foreign nationality,” in addition to 4.5 percent naturalised or “new Belgians.”

In 2005 the total number of foreigners was around 26.3 percent, but the total number of “new Belgians” grew to 30.2 percent.

Now, a new study, issued by the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium has revealed that “more than 250,000 residents out of a total population of one million in Brussels have Muslim roots.”

The study was carried out by Felice Dasetto, a sociologist and a professor at the university who is considered to be an expert in issues relating to Muslims in Belgium.

Brussels now accounts for half of the total number of Muslims in Belgium. The study said that the “Islamic presence is becoming more and more visible in Brussels with more mosques and minarets, more women wearing a veil and more Muslim organisations.”

Furthermore, the study says, the “Islamic faith has the power to mobilise people to a very big extent, more than, for example, the Catholic Church or political parties.”

Typically, the liberals have responded to the dispossession of Europe by white people with short-sighted laws designed to only incite the colonisers even further.

In July this year, a law which banned the burqa in Belgium came into effect. Failure to comply with the law is punishable by up to seven days of imprisonment and a fine of €137.

The problem is of course, not the burqa per se, but the fact that there is such a large Third World population present in Belgium in the first place.

What the liberals cannot grasp is that as the Third World population grows, so their petty laws “banning burqas” and the like will simply become irrelevant.

The real issue is — and always was — will white European people survive or not. It is not racist to demand the right of European countries to remain European, any more than it is “racist” to demand that China remain Chinese, that Japan remain Japanese or that Nigeria remain Nigerian.

The Brussels test case shows once again how close to destruction Europe is teetering under the insane liberal delusion of multi-culturalism, and serves also to inspire all those who seek to preserve the beauty of western civilisation to redouble their efforts.

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  1. Forgetting the plight of Brussels for a moment, the 2011 Census results should be available next year. These will reveal that indigenous Brits are now a minority in the Greater London area – a disaster bigger and more profound that even Brussels I would suggest! Let’s not forget Leicester, Slough etc either!

    Remind me again why we fought World War II? Something to do with preventing our country from being invaded and colonised by foreigners wasn’t it?

  2. Of course, Brussels is the home of that anti-White ,monstrous, totalitarian dictatorship known as the EU.
    That Brussels is mostly non-White has a certain irony about it.

  3. ‘Liberalism’ and self loathing is the white man’s disease. Non whites are immune from it but will pretend to have contracted the condition in order to get something more from genuinely infected white people. I say genuinely infected but this itself is open to interpretation. For example, whilst claiming to oppose the death penalty, most liberals would be happy to see it applied to someone such as the leader of a nationalist party.
    Whilst claiming to champion the working class and Third World, the vast majorority of ‘liberals’/ pseudo socialists are self hating middle class toffs.

    There is nothing genuine about those who call themselves ‘liberal’ except the inconsistencies in and weakness of their beliefs.
    White European/ Western civilsation effectively committed suicide by WW1 & WW2. Since then we have built welfare states (initially allegedly with good intentions) and we no longer have real poverty
    . No one in Britain should now have to go hungry. We have a standard of living which is unparallelled in the history of mankind. Everybody has a roof over their heads, food on the table, free education and healthcare. Poverty is relative and relative to the rest of the world and recent modern history, thanks to our forefather’s blood and sweat we have to real poverty here.
    Consequently liberals (white people like us) have become complacent. When you appear to have reached the pinnacle of civilisation and prosperity the only way without the hunger to succeed is down. White people have forgotten the sacrifices and ingenuity of our forefathers, taken what we have for granted and decided to feed the dysfunctional family next door instead of their own.

    A massive collapse of the Western economies and civil strife combined with the advancement of anti liberal China is all that will wake the Western world up.

  4. Don’t these left -leaning, bleeding -heart, do-gooders understand that
    their heads will be coming off along with those of the rest of us?

  5. I lived in Belgium so I know what is like. I soon found trips to Brussels unpleasant and stopped visiting except when I had to. I would say Belgium is worse than the UK. Luxembourg is probably the most multicultural. The generous state benefits and free health service based on the once thriving banking industry seems to keep people happy, at least the colonists. Many people are trapped there by the good working conditions, salaries and pensions.
    The original Luxembourgers are accused of being cold and unfriendly by the foreign population. Their past governments have sold their people out unwisely investing in banking and little other industry.
    I have seen with my own eyes the race replacement of the Luxembourgish in the larger towns. The worse memory was a bus full of badly behaved school children all speaking fluent Luxembourgish. All were of different ethnic backgrounds. The bus driver (who was presumeably French or Belgian) only spoke French but had to be very strict as many were trying to lie about their age to get a free trip.
    The Luxembourgers have managed to save their language with free language training and carrots for promotion if they speak Luxembourgish.
    My question is how are they going to save their DNA.

  6. Trevor Philips celebrates the replacement of the indigenous English in one of today’s numerous Daily Telegraph articles about Stephen Lawrence and the horrible nasty racist white people of Britain.

    “And the best news of all is that we are steadily transforming what it means to be British in the most natural and permanent way of all. As many families gathered for their Christmas dinner, the faces around the table would no longer have been the uniformly cheery pink-and-white of Dickens’s Yuletide.

    Nearly one in 10 children are growing up in households where at least one parent is of a different race to themselves. Millions of us have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, uncles and aunts who bring a new flavour to our table.
    We should never forget the terrible injustice represented by the Stephen Lawrence case. But the worst legacy of his death would be if our determination to seek justice blinded us to the fact that his murder changed us all and changed us for the better”.

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