You Know Its Gone Too Far When . . .

….Even the immigrants are complaining that there’s too much immigration.

The following is quoted from an article on Reuters, relating to the riots which have torn several cities in Britain apart, and which have removed the rose tinted spectacles with which many regarded mass immigration forever:

Jay Dattani, an Asian from Tanzania, came to Britain nearly 40 years ago and runs Dalston Stationery across the road from Essuman’s taxi stand. He said London still offers the chance to make an honest living that first attracted him to the city. He kept his shop open during the riots.

“Let them come. I have weapons in the back. I can look after myself,” he said. But like many Londoners, native and foreign-born alike, he pines for simpler times.

“It was easier in the early days. It’s getting out of hand now” he said. “Too many foreigners, isn’t it. Just taking all the jobs. Taking advantage of the system.”

Try being indigenous British Mr Dattani, that statement would have drawn cries of racism from all corners, despite the fact that it is entirely true and – hysteria and accusation aside – even the most fervent supporter of mass immigration would have trouble providing a coherent argument against it.

We were told that some immigration would be good for us, that immigration would improve our society, that immigrants would integrate.

Some did, but then the influx of immigrants became so great that it was us left expected to integrate with them, immigration instead became colonisation. We became the strangers in our own land, the ones on the outside.

Even if it were possible to begin with, any form of integration that the social engineers old us upon ceased to be possible when those who were supposed to integrate exceeded the number of people they were supposed to integrate with.

Look at areas of London, there is no integration possible. Immigrants outnumber the indigenous. Instead you get isolation, separation, a cherry picking of which British things – e.g. the welfare system – immigrant groups will accept and make their own, and those which they’ll reject.

A society cannot tolerate immigration on a huge scale – look how well that worked out for many indigenous peoples across the world. After a point immigration becomes invasion, the indigenous become the alien presence, forced to surrender their identity to the coloniser or perish.

Even if we can accept that, at times in a nation’s existence, immigration is beneficial, Britain has gone too far – instead immigration and diversity has become something which is considered always to be beneficial and enriching, with no reference made to its impact upon the host society or the existing population.

You really know we’ve crossed that line big time when the immigrants themselves are waking up to how much of a mess it is causing.

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  1. I think this clip of immigration, from Newsnight last year, is very relevant to this piece. Especially the interview at 2.03 minutes in.

    It is not really accurate to call these places English any more, in my opinion. Geographically they are, but in all other ways they seem alien to me. I certainly would not want to be there or live there.

  2. I hope I’m wrong but the writer of this article seems to be suggesting that a little bit of immigration has been good for Britain but things have now got out of hand and this is preventing integration which he desires.

    The primary purpose of British Nationalism is to preserve our Northern European gene pool, therefore ALL coloured immigration into Britain must be viewed as detrimental to this basic principal.

    Social integration leads to racial integration leads to miscegenation, so it should be discouraged.

    Read the article on this website about how immigration into ancient Egypt brought about the downfall of that magnificent civilisation.

    • Hi Marsh, I took the article to be posing a hypothetical point, or saying that even if we are forced under duress to concede a point, or even if we took the oppositions own argument, it would still be too far. I doubt Andrew or many of the writers here would start on the slippery slope. Cheers.

  3. I must disagree with Marsh as the author of the article is not suggesting any such thing, merely pointing out that even some immigrants are now finding immigration a problem. I suspect this to some extent to be out of self interest in that more immigration is putting immigration and immigrants in the spotlight – something many will not be comfortable with. Furthermore I would suggest that the article is entirely in line with current BNP policy both in relation to integration and continued immigration – under Griffin British nationalism and British National Party policy are not always the same thing.

  4. Since the above excellent article we have formed the decent British Democratic Party and having watched the awful Newsnight film depicted above, I feel there is hope when numerous immigrants said they wanted immigration halted ! The ghastly Margaret Hodge looked like what she is, plain wrong and up to no good. I wish she had to genuinely LIVE in her constituency. Make a stand today and join the British Democratic Party and feel good about yourself !

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