Andrew Brons in the European Parliament

Contribution from Andrew Brons to a debate held on 21st October 2013, in the European Parliament, on the enforcement of international trade rules.

The Rapporteur protests that, “There is no protectionist aim whatsoever”, as though  protectionist  might be one of those hate labels, like racist, so popular with cosmopolitans.

The Rapporteur is using the word protectionist in its strict economic sense, referring to tariff and non-tariff barriers to international trade.

However, if he had been using it in its more general and every day sense, his denial would be equally valid. The EU is emphatically not trying to protect Europe’s interests – still less the interests of member states.

The objective is to follow the World Trade Organisation Globalist agenda. Retaliation would not be used to protect Europe’s economic interests. It would be used to enforce observance of the WTO’S Globalist rules.

The Theory of International Trade is that unrestricted trade makes the world, as a whole, richer. However, even if that were always the case, it would  not follow that it made everybody or even every country richer.

Free movement of goods, services, capital and labour, which is what all Globalists, including the EU Globalists are driving for, can only work if prices and wages are on undifferentiated scales.

If that happens, the developed world, including Europe, has everything to lose. The Third World and the emergent economies have everything to gain.


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  1. The Globalist conspirators (there are still some fools who think everybody is well-meaning like themselves, and that our rapid decline is all just incompetence and ‘cock-up’) know “free trade” is really a delusion. (Maggie T’s exotic, slimy cabinet inner circle sold her this big anti-protection lie.)

    Most markets are heavily rigged by insiders. We Brits are, rightly, never going to compete with immigrants who accept workshop quasi-slavery, and living 16 to a small terrace house!

  2. International ‘free trade’ can only be genuinely ‘free’ if it is also fair. You are correct to assert that British workers can never compete on cost alone due to vast differences in the standard of living. Mrs Thatcher in her economic policies was really a throwback to Gladstonian liberalism and not a Tory. It is therefore not surprising that what became known as economic ‘Thatcherism’ was largely a failure.

    We need free enterprise to work WITH the national interest and not against it. To those who say this can’t be done, I say just look at what Japan in particular and South Korea have able to achieve with a nationalist economic model.

  3. The mass suicide of the West from within leaves we its folk are way down the list of the EU’s ideas for action.
    Today whilst strolling down Sutton High Street in South London I noticed an employment agency advertising jobs in the trades – plumbing, electrical. All had the proviso that applicants spoke fluent Polish.
    So we English are pushed aside. Yet still vote for more of the same. I guess if speaking Polish was a Westminster must we wouldn’t have any Polish allowed in. But for us plebs its OK.

  4. Yes, baz4545, that is a disgrace and it is especially so when the ‘nasty party’ aka the Tories are continually saying Britons are ‘lazy’ and most unemployed people are ‘workshy’. The truth is only a very small percentage are genuinely ‘workshy’.

    If the BDP positions itself appropriately and presents itself right then there is no reason why we can’t push the globalist Thatcherites of UKIP aside and gain from the situation.

  5. We are at the beginning of the journey, together we must build our branches and be strong in the face of adversity. As a population the English will not believe their country has gone until they see it. Slowly they can see that this once great country has been let down by the political elite. The UKIP crowd are not nationalists and they have no idea what to do on immigration.

    Let’s keep the faith and fight together for change

  6. Only non-violent revolution will get rid of the LibLabCon and abandon the malign EU and ECHR. Rebuilding our country’s manufacturing base is vital and launching a campaign now to stop the next wave of people from Eastern Europe.

    • The ones from Eastern Europe who look like us and therefore think like us and share our values are not as big a problem. Controlled safety-valve Farage is afraid to mention African or Asian invited colonizers in case the BBC gives up his semi-permanent seat on the Question Time panel.

      We may have to vote tactically, in certain areas, for UKIP – to stop the treacherous LibLabConmen and their mega-rich donors from destroying us.

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