The Death of Democracy

By Peter Mills. The underlying principle of Democracy is the government OF the people BY the choices of the people. The underlying principle of dictatorship is the reverse – the government of the people by a ruling elite imposed by an Authority which itself remains irremovable.

Ironically it is in Greece, the ancient birthplace of Democracy, where the death throws of Democracy in Europe have just begun to bite, shortly to be followed by Italy as the cancer of single-party totalitarianism spreads like the Great Plague of the Middle Ages.

Modern Greece is no stranger to dictatorships. Following a nationwide political upheaval between 1965 and 1967, a junta of army officers under the command of Brigadier Pattakos, Colonel Papadopoulos and Colonel Kakerezos seized power in a coup d’etat on 21st April 1967. It is known that they did this with the backing of the United States Government, who were anxious to avoid the country being taken over by widespread Communist sympathizers.

In late 1973 a military counter-coup enabled another officer, Brigadier Ioannidis, to briefly become sole dictator but his regime collapsed in chaos on July 20th 1974 when Turkey invaded Cyprus. In 1975 a referendum was held, as a result of which the monarchy was replaced by a president and a republican constitution introduced, followed by free democratic multi-party elections.

Now, at the end of 2011 as the Greek tragedy gathers pace, all the social progress which within the space of a single lifetime has seen dictatorship evolve upwards into a national democratic constitutional freedom is now instantly wiped out by the emergence of a new dictatorship, no longer of military tyrants but of an even more powerful and intractable despotism – actual government BY the bankers FOR the bankers!

If one were fond of conspiracy theories, one might even ponder whether the world banking clique has deliberately arranged the world financial crisis in order to topple prime ministers and have them smoothly replaced by a dictatorship of powerful executive bankers.

Paranoia? Perhaps. But consider the plain facts. During the last few days the elected Greek prime minister has been forced to resign. He is being replaced by Lucas Papademos, former Governor of the Bank of Greece and former Vice President of the European Central Bank. Mr. Papademos has been appointed without being democratically elected, with the excuse being announced that “elections are too expensive at the moment”.

Too expensive? How many ordinary people in the world have willingly sacrificed their very lives during the last hundred years alone in order to ensure the victory of democracy and freedom? Is that not expensive too? Or perhaps the world banking executives will be raising a debit note to write-down the value of freedom and human life!

Dictators have now learned that it is a mistake to wear military uniforms and fire guns. Instead, they are now wearing business suits. The next victory for the banking clique is likely to be the business-suite conquest of Italy. At this time of writing, it has been decided that Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi – for all his many faults nevertheless an elected prime minister – is to resign and be replaced by unelected Mario Monti, whom even the severely edited BBC news described as being “parachuted in”.

Mario Monti was European Commissioner in charge of the Internal Market, Financial Services and Taxation departments and – very significantly – is an international advisor to Goldman Sachs, one of the last two major investment banks in the United States (the other being Morgan Stanley). Why should Mario Monti’s close relationship with Goldman Sachs be seen as extremely sinister under present circumstances?

Simple. Goldman Sachs is already known to have been involved in last year’s Sovereign Debt Crisis in Europe, and is reported to have directly and systematically helped the Greek government hide the real facts regarding its immense national debt from 1998 to 2009. In the latter year, Goldman Sachs was one of the organizations which devised a special CDS index (credit default swap) to juggle and obscure the high risk of Greece’s national debt.

I mentioned several paragraphs ago that one might even ponder whether the world banking clique has deliberately arranged the financial crisis to further an aim of political takeover. Could I be growing unreasonably paranoid? Again all I can say is, judge the facts for yourself.

Goldman Sachs executive Robert Rubin became United States Secretary of the Treasury. Goldman Sachs executive Henry Paulson also became United States Secretary of the Treasury. Goldman Sachs executive Mark Carney became Governor of the Bank of Canada.

Goldman Sachs executive Mario Draghi became Governor of the European Central Bank, and he was also – surprise surprise – Governor of the Bank of Italy from 2006 until last month. Goldman Sachs traders Michael Swenson and Josh Birnbaum are credited with accomplishing the company’s immense profits of some $4 billion in 2007 when the infamous sub-prime mortgage crisis broke, because they had “gambled” vast sums of the firm’s capital on there being a collapse in this market.

Could it be possible that a pattern is emerging here? Whatever you may chose to believe, in the European Union democracy is not only very sick, it is in the beginnings of its final death throws. The doctor is wearing a business suit and arrives in a chauffeur-driven limousine!

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  1. As if I’ve not got enough to worry about. Please, Not another “Crank Conspiracy Theory”
    I can’t keep up.

    Actually, a good article that raises a few questions and deserves a wider audience.

  2. Goldman Sachs appears to churn out intelligent men but who utterly lack a sense of honour, duty and loyalty. I speak from first-hand experience in dealing with a number of past directors of the aforementioned organisation, many of whom would cut off their children’s legs if the Leg Market were to suddenly boom.

  3. At last the sham of Democracy is not even being given any pretence any more. We in Britain are also living within an illusion of Democracy ourselves. If our own economic circumstances were to become similar to that of Greece or Italy we could also see that pretence of Democracy disappear overnight. As has been pointed out in the article, we should note that the banks are the key players in this takeover of nations and see clearly that the banks are the ones who truly control our so called “world leaders”, behind the scenes. We are only allowed the pretence of Democracy in the holding of elections but the masses are steered very skilfully by the mass media into voting for those parties that are deemed acceptable. This is not a conspiracy theory, it can be clearly seen and is well documented by many established and highly respected intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky. Only those who take an interest in world political events and try to navigate their way through all the misinformation that the media supply can see that we in Britain, just like the Greeks and the Italians, have effectively already lost whatever Democracy we may once have had.

  4. excellent article whether there is a conspiracy or not there are all singing from the same hymn book .

  5. Obama has the gall to condem the European nations for not doing enough, his way, to deal with the money crisis; WHO caused it in the first place, the Yanky Bankers let him deal with them effecticely before shouting his mind off; Oh sorry, forgot who got him elected..

    That said, I completely agree with the article, no more election now, just appointed oversee’ers for he mighty E.U. cabal.

    Old old story, create a situation so you can impose a solution.

    • Indeed: Problem, Reaction, Solution. Create a perceived problem, wait for the predictable reaction from the plebs, who then desperately accept any solution offered.
      “elections are too expensive at the moment” – brilliant!
      Healthcare next? Useless eaters first, of course!

  6. That’s it, Wim, this is what is happening. Simple psychological mass population control. The donkey responds to the carrot and the whip. So do human beings: one has only to find an appropriate carrot and an appropriate whip. The whip now cracking over our heads is that of possible financial catastrophe if we do not grab the carrot. The carrot is “Kick out your elected leaders and accept the saviours we appoint – you can elect them afterwards if you want elections!”

  7. This is a despicable act and shows how totalitarian the state is against their own people Many of the people they battered yesterday were families of soldiers paying their respects. Look towards the end of the video when a couple of legalised yobs drag a pensioner along the ground on his knees.

    These patriots were later released without charge but which shows they had done nothing wrong. Those people arrested were intending to pay their respects to our fallen dead and treated worse than the Muslims who burnt our national flag and symbolic emblems like the poppy by a police force that is no better than the Nazi Blackshirts of 1939. The defence of “I was only carrying out orders” did not count at the Nuremburg War Trials and does not stand up now.
    The excuse was that someone had tweeted or posted on facebook that the EDL would be armed and have snipers. then why did the police not visit him and arrest him on the spot? because that was just an excuse to batter honourable British people. it shows how much this corrupt totalitarian regime supports Muslim extremists against their own people.

  8. My Sicilian hairdresser tells me that Berlusconi was popular with the Italians (He was elected three times, the last time with the largest majority of votes since the war) because he kept his promises.

    He wasn’t the buffoon that the leftist media in Britain said he was. They were foolish enough to be misled by some of his antics. But you don’t get to be a multi-billionaire and the most powerful man in italy for 17 years if you are fool. They should have remembered that.

    He has apparently bitten the dust because the rug was pulled from under his feet by the EU power cabal, Merkel and Sarkozi, just like they did to the Greek PM (And just like the Americans did for us over Suez. He who has the money calls the shots).

    To what end? The Eurocrat who has replaced Berlusconi, Monti, is unlikely to enjoy the support of the Italian people that Berlusconi had. Not good when tough measures are required.

    The whole business demonstrates the totally anti-democratic nature of the EU.

  9. ( Party Official ) Having signed the petition to say that Donald Trump SHOULD NOT be banned from entering Britain I was AMAZED to receive an E mail from the Home Secretary ! This got me very excited as I thought Theresa May had JOINED THE BRITISH DEMOCRATIC PARTY and our Chairman Andrew Brons , was going to be live on Sky News announcing we were NOW IN COALITION WITH THE CONSERVATIVES. Either that or WORDS DO NOT MEAN ANYTHING ANYMORE IN OUR MULTI-CULTURAL DICTATORSHIP. See above and then YOU DECIDE !

    • ( Party Official ) The Home Secretary has said that coming to the U.K. is a PRIVILEGE and NOT A RIGHT and she will continue to use the powers available , to PREVENT FROM ENTERING the U.K. , those who seek to harm our society and who DO NOT SHARE OUR BASIC VALUES.

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