Relaxed about the Roma?

by Mike Newland


A few weeks ago there was a huge media alarum about the imminent arrival of a large number of East Europeans from countries not previously granted full freedom of movement within the EU.

Of particular concern were the Roma, after endless press stories during the year concerning begging, living in camps and much more – including even a camp in Park Lane.

There was debate in Parliament, a public petition, and then an announcement by the Government that the benefit rules were being tightened. The latter analysed by the media as amounting to little more than a hill of beans in its likely deterrent ability to those intending to move here for handouts.

With days to go until the free movement rules kick in it’s all suddenly gone quiet……

So what is happening? Is the Government just sitting there hoping few will arrive or that there won’t be any begging and so on? Forlorn hope. But they seem relaxed.

How does government deal with tricky social issues which don’t have easy solutions or none at all. Wake up at the back of the class! Yes Smith Minor’s got it. Well done Smith. They throw money at it – or them. At least it kicks the can down the road. Britain is now tophole in can kicking.

BBBut, they’ve promised no benefits largesse. What to do?

Thanks to the Sofia News Agency Novinite we now have a good idea. Is the web not a wonderful thing? On December 9 the European Commission announced that ministers had agreed a fast-tracked programme of ‘social inclusion’ for the Roma. They are going to ‘invest in human capital’ they say.

This means ‘access to education, employment, healthcare and housing. The strategy is to be ‘local, enforcing anti-discrimination rules, following a social investment approach, protecting Roma children and women and addressing poverty‘.

Governments are to allocate their own money plus 20% of the European Social Fund money to a ‘comprehensive Roma inclusion’ strategy. Big bucks. Problem solved.

Now one doubts that governments in the countries where the Roma actually now mostly live will believe in the main for one minute that their lifestyle will alter as a result of any of this. The only effect of their participation will to be to dissuade some locals from moving abroad if they can. Not, one imagines, the outcome they would like. So it’s a good bet that heels will be dragged with regretful shrugs and little money will go down Roma Street.

But the position in Britain is quite different. The main priority will be to avoid trouble and a press swarming over the issue. Vast sums will be provided to our new citizens to avoid ‘trouble‘.

Now here is the clever bit truly worthy of ‘Mr Slippery’ as Peter Hitchins calls David Cameron. Won’t all this mean giving benefits – local housing etc – out on a huge scale when the Government promised the opposite? Not a bit of it. You can do wonders by the simple expedient of re-naming. The new entrants will not get benefits. They’ll receive ‘social inclusion’ money. Phew! With one bound Jack was free.

From a practical viewpoint they’ll likely get superbenefits – even more than normal mortals. What effect will this have on migration? Even more will come.

It appears that the new plan has not yet made its way into our mainstream media.

You read it here first.


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  1. They’re all mad!

    But then, my son has a theory, which if true, would explain this madness. He thinks that the reason they don’t really ever do anything about the swamping of our country is because the ‘elite’, those in parliament, captains of industry, or in other words, them up there, is because they don’t differentiate between the indigenous people and the others. To them we’re all the same, not special, just there to work to better their lives for them.

    That’s why they don’t do anything and why they never will. The English, Scots, Welsh and Irish don’t exist to them. They’re just a swarm of humanity, like ants. Until enough people realise this nothing will change.

    There is therefore, method in their madness.

  2. Money from the European Social Fund is still ‘our’ money, given that the UK is a net contributor to the EU budget. Ie we pay in more than we get back.

  3. The reason they want the foreign workers in is cheap labour.

    If the corporations can water us down they think we will not fight for our rights as indigenous people. So as long as the class system is there we are their serfs.

  4. (Party Member) Our Government is going to throw money at Immigrants. Surely not? This would mean putting other people before us particularly in a time of austerity. As Britain is ‘bursting at the seams’ this would be a very foolish indeed wicked policy. Wouldn’t it?

    • Goodness me no John!

      This is not throwing money at immigrants. As explained, this is investment in human capital. It’s just the same in principle as HS2 where the in trains and tracks.

      The economic benefits are incalculable…..

  5. (Party Member) Five years ago the word ‘immigration’ was hardly ever mentioned. The ‘lockdown’ on Britain was almost complete. Today the whole front page of the Sun newspaper is devoted to a demand from them and the British people to ‘win back our power to halt immigration from the European Union’. Although they lack the courage to mention the mass immigration from the huge continents of Africa and Asia, you can clearly see a further collapse in the false, happy façade of multi-Cultural Britain. We are starting to win now with 2014 set to be a great year for our decent Nationalism.

  6. Yes – but surely they are coming here to enrich us, as have done the Bulgarians, Romanians and other eastern European nations?

    How the Bulgarians, Romanians etc can afford to let these valuable assets come here is beyond me – don’t they realise how much they stand to lose culturally and economically when these people decamp for the UK? Still – their loss is our gain – or so the politicians would have us believe.

    Enrichment – don’t you just love it? Well clearly most lard-arsed Brits do – which is why they can be counted to remain on their backsides watching the box rather than actually doing something about it. Clearly the Brits get the immigrants they deserve!

    • James, this situation is not unique to the British. Mass immigration is having a devastating effect elsewhere in Europe – actively promoted along with a liberal dose of PC. Free speech (especially the right to discuss the effects of millions of immigrants brought into your country) has been well and truly crushed. It needs a concerted effort by all right-thinking folk to turn back the tide. In the meantime they continue to ‘fiddle while Rome burns’.

  7. How those who went out to fight for this country against Nazi invasion would weep if they could see it.

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