Pat Buchanan Predicts the Death of America

CNN columnist, conservative commentator and political activist Pat Buchanan has predicted the death of America by 2025 in his new book which has shot up the best seller charts in the US.

Some extracts from the book, Will America Survive to 2025? Suicide of a Superpower, in sequential order, lay out the basic premise:

“As the faith that gave birth to the West is dying in the West, peoples of European descent from the steppes of Russia to the coast of California have begun to die out, as the Third World treks north to claim the estate. The last decade provided corroborating if not conclusive proof that we are in the Indian Summer of our civilization.” – Introduction.

“America is disintegrating. The centrifugal forces pulling us apart are growing inexorably. What unites us is dissolving. And this is true of Western Civilization….Meanwhile, the state is failing in its most fundamental duties. It is no longer able to defend our borders, balance our budgets, or win our wars.”

Chapter 1: The Passing of a Superpower

“We have accepted today the existence in perpetuity of a permanent underclass of scores of millions who cannot cope and must be carried by society — fed, clothed, housed, tutored, medicated at taxpayer’s expense their entire lives. We have a dependent nation the size of Spain in our independent America. We have a new division in our country, those who pay a double or triple fare, and those who ride forever free.”

Chapter 2. The End of Christian America

If [Christopher] Dawson is correct, the drive to de-Christianize America, to purge Christianity from the public square, public schools and public life, will prove culturally and socially suicidal for the nation.

“The last consequence of a dying Christianity is a dying people. Not one post-Christian nation has a birth rate sufficient to keep it alive….The death of European Christianity means the disappearance of the European tribe, a prospect visible in the demographic statistics of every Western nation.”

Chapter 3. The Crisis of Catholicism

“Half a century on, the disaster is manifest. The robust and confident Church of 1958 no longer exists. Catholic colleges and universities remain Catholic in name only. Parochial schools and high schools are closing as rapidly as they opened in the 1950s. The numbers of nuns, priests and seminarians have fallen dramatically. Mass attendance is a third of what it was. From the former Speaker of the House to the Vice President, Catholic politicians openly support abortion on demand.”

“How can Notre Dame credibly teach that all innocent life is sacred, and then honor a president committed to ensuring that a woman’s right to end the life of her innocent child remains sacrosanct?”

Chapter 4. The End of White America

“[W]hite America is an endangered species. By 2020, whites over 65 will out-number those 17 and under. Deaths will exceed births. The white population will begin to shrink and, should present birth rates persist, slowly disappear.”

“Mexico is moving north. Ethnically, linguistically and culturally, the verdict of 1848 is being over-turned. Will this Mexican nation within a nation advance the goals of the Constitution — to “insure domestic tranquility” and ‘make us a more perfect union’? Or have we imperiled our union?” (Page 134)

Chapter 5. Demographic Winter

“Peoples of European descent are not only in a relative but a real decline. They are aging, dying, disappearing. This is the existential crisis of the West.” (Page 166)

“Not any Iranian weapon of mass destruction but demography is the existential crisis Israel faces….By mid-century…Palestinians west of the Jordan river will out-number Jews 2-1. Add Palestinians in Jordan, it is 3-1.”

“In a startling development of history, Russia’s population has fallen from 148 million in 1991 to 140 million today and is projected to plunge to 116 million by 2050, a loss of 32 million Russians in six decades.”

Chapter 6. Equality Vs. Freedom

“Those who would change society begin by changing the meaning of words. At Howard University, LBJ changed the meaning of equality from the attainable — an end to segregation and a legislated equality of rights for African-Americans — to the impossible: a socialist utopia.”

“Where equality is enthroned, freedom is extinguished. The rise of the egalitarian society means the death of the free society.”

“A time for truth. As most kids do not have the athletic ability to play high school sports, or the musical ability to play in the band, or the verbal ability to excel in debate, not every child has the academic ability to do high school work. No two children are created equal, not even identical twins. The family is the incubator of inequality and God its author.”

Chapter 7. The Diversity Cult

“The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental quality,” Wattenberg trilled. Yet, one wonders: What kind of man looks with transcendental joy to a day when the people among whom he was raised have become a minority in a nation where the majority rules?”

“Historians will look back in stupor at 20th and 21st century Americans who believed the magnificent republic they inherited would be enriched by bringing in scores of millions from the failed states of the Third World.”

Chapter 8: The Triumph Of Tribalism

America’s war of revenge against Japan was a race war. Newsreels, movies, magazines, comic books, headlines treated “Japs” as a repulsive race whose extermination would benefit mankind….Only well after the war was over was it re-branded a war to bring the blessings of democracy to…Japan.

We may deny the existence of ethnonationalism, detest it, condemn it. But this creator and destroyer of empires and nations is a force infinitely more powerful than globalism, for it engages the heart. Men will die for it. Religion, race, culture and tribe are the four horsemen of the coming apocalypse.

Chapter 9. ‘The White Party’

“Through its support of mass immigration, its paralysis in power to prevent 12-20 million illegal aliens from entering and staying, its failure to address the “anchor-baby” issue, the Republican Party has birthed a new electorate that will send it the way of the Whigs.”

Chapter 10: The Long Retreat

“We borrow from Europe to defend Europe. We borrow from the Gulf states to defend the Gulf states. We borrow from Japan to defend Japan. Is it not a symptom of senility to be borrowing from the world so we can defend the world?”

“Are vital U.S. interests more imperiled by what happens in Iraq where were have 50,000 troops, or Afghanistan where we have 100,000, or South Korea where we have 28,000 — or by what is happening on our border with Mexico?…What does it profit America if we save Anbar and lose Arizona?”

Chapter 11: The Last Chance

“We are trying to create a nation that has never before existed, of all the races, tribes, cultures and creeds of Earth, where all are equal. In this utopian drive for the perfect society of our dreams we are killing the real country we inherited — the best and greatest country on earth.”

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  1. About four years ago, I bought a whole stack of books – ranging from Peter Hitchens, through to some Civitas books, the booklet ‘Underpinning the EthnoState’ by A.Kemp, and a work of fiction called ‘Invasion’ by DC Alden. In the middle of the stack is two books by Patrick Buchanan.
    Not being much of a book reader, I had hoped to digest all these books in balance with my usual fayre of internet articles, newspaper articles, etc – which I must admit to be more digestible. Unfortunately, I have only got through half of one of Patrick’s books so far – life got in the way. But it seems that much of what he was warning about before has already come to pass as being self-evident.
    His online articles and contributions to the traditional American Conservative sphere have usually been very good, and in his more advancing years he seems ever more unafraid to tackle some of the most controversial subject matters which the ‘official’ Conservative mainstream have dropped and sidelined over the last 40 years.
    I think I will add this to my “books to get” list, even though I have a glut of American-centric offerings already on there. The trouble is, I am pretty sure this new book will render the other two I already have by Patrick obsolete!
    I probably need to wade through all the ones I already have first, including making a start on the “Invasion” one at some point, which taunts me (and daunts me) in its large house-brick sized capacity, like a rock face to completely conquer without any ropes.
    I am currently dipping in and out of “Reflections on the Revolution in Europe – Can Europe Be The Same With Different People In It?” by Christopher Caldwell, which tends to focus on the Islamic and cultural aspect of changes (I suspect). However, like many books which were once quite novel and new, given it has been on the shelf for a little while, it is so far turning out to be more of a confirmation of what we already know. I will reserve full judgement until after I finish it.
    Thanks for the ‘heads up’ on Patrick’s new book. It sounds like a good offering – and I hope that those people in America who are helping it become a ‘Best Seller’ can take on board what is being said – and take measures to avert disaster, or rather, at this late stage, merely salvage something from the wreckage.

  2. How prophetic…………
    Coming to a country near you…… soon.

  3. …And of course, tragically, once can take the information in this book and substitute “Britain” and “British” for “America” and “American” (and “London” for “Arizona” and so-on and so-on) and it will still be one-hundred percent factual truth. Modern liberalism is the suicide of society.

  4. All Pat Buchanan’s writings are interesting, but he does have a very transatlantic obsession with traditional Christianity as the fount of all virtue, and its decline as the explanation of all our problems. That proposition is highly debatable.

    By way of example, Buchanan explains demographic decline in Europe as the result of a decline of the once general belief in Christianity.

    The demographics of most Far Eastern societies, which are the only non-European societies able to sustain a high culture over millennia, are now just as catastrophic as ours, yet those societies were never majority Christian, rather anti-Christian, often very cruelly and militantly anti-Christian.

    Chinese and Japanese rulers often dealt with proselytising Christians very harshly indeed. Despite that, their cultures flourished for thousands of years and their peoples had very healthy demographics until the 1970s.

    Since those societies were never greatly influenced by Christianity (or by collective guilt over their histories, even in Japan, where one might have thought that there was some scope for such sentiments, but instead school history books present a nationalist discourse in which Japanese war crimes are trivialised) the “loss of faith equals societal death” theory doesn’t stack up so well.

    Buchanan evidently does not subscribe to the extreme forms of faith based politics, which actually create “proposition nations” just as much as Marxist-Leninist or bourgeois liberal capitalist ideologies, but one is tempted to ask, why not?

    Despite this quibble, the book sounds interesting, and well worth reading.

    • I would have to go and look this up to be confident about what I am saying, but I seem to recall figures and research which did allude to showing that deeper religious abiding communities and nations were having more children than those who were not.
      It certainly seems to go for Muslims within our own nation, and elsewhere, and I think even other religious groups tend to have more children than our own people, both here and around the world.
      If this general trend is true (unfortunately I cannot presently back it up) then it may be the loss of ‘religiosity’ and its extended societal/family contruct itself which is the fault Mr Buchannan is getting at, rather than the Christian religion itself as an entity.
      We of course know that the Cultural Marxists of the School of Frankfurt and various other ‘leftwing’ ideologues sought to diminish and destroy the Christian faith and traditions (religiosity) in the West – because it would allow them to subvert our foundations and our normalities to a much greater degree.
      Hedonism, self interest, personal greed, lack of having to get married (in order to not be outcast as ‘living in sin’), abortion being made widespread, and the general message being pushed that women in their late teens and early twenties are “ruining their lives” (and it being a “financial burden”) by having children when they should be ‘building careers’ etc, perhaps all stem from the changes in society brought about by a loss of Christianity and the loss of those expectations based upon those societal values and norms of yesteryear.
      On that kind of level, I can more understand why Patrick could convey that the loss of religion has led to some of these things which have collectively made our Western societies devoid of children and generally less family-centric.

  5. Change the name of the nation – USA to Great britain and you have in microcosm the situation we face today here in our own country.
    The origin of our immigration may not be hispanic but that aside, the phrase “SNAP” springs to mind.
    The entire western world is in terminal decline, I believe it may well already be to late to save us. But if the judo/christian north european race, culture and society are to survive in any form in the future, it’s now or never, for all of us.
    I’ve allways felt one day the whole multi-cultural, politically correct, liberal social experiment, would one day end in war and blood shed and every day I see that day drawing ever nearer.

  6. Well for U.S.A. one can just as well read Britain. It looks like the crunch time is coming sooner than we may of expected for our people. I have to echo Hamilton’s comments, as i can see bloodshed and violence erupting into a Civil War in this country too, and not that far ahead if the Liberal elite are allowed to continue their nation-wrecking policies of Mass Immigration and Multiculturalism. The farce that people actually believe we live in a real democracy when the British people are going to suffer something they never voted for!!!!

  7. In the years immediately following the First World War, two highly influential ‘Think Tanks’ were formed, which seemingly have had a huge hand in shaping Western foreign policy and strategies for accomplishing the process for ‘globalisation’ that have achieved such great momentum and resulted in the decline of Western power. The Royal Institution for International Affairs (aka ‘Chatham House’) and its sister organisation; the Rockefeller funded ‘Council on Foreign Relations’. One only has to read the words of Arnold Toynbee – a key Chatham House founder – to grasp the essence of the ‘game plan’: –

    “We are at present working discreetly, but with all our might, to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of the world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands.”

  8. John Shaw ( Party Official ) Another great article from this British Democratic Party Archives , well worth reading . However , the previous conclusions have all been turned on their head , due to the FANTASTIC VICTORY OVER THE NEW WORLD ORDER , BY THE GREAT DONALD TRUMP ! Whilst writing it occurs to me that the assorted TRASH PEOPLE who are demonstrating against the DEMOCRATIC VOTE are RIGHT about one thing for once. When they shout ” NOT MY PRESIDENT ” AS MOST OF THEM ARE ILLEGAL ALIANS ! ! !

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