Our System of Government

We support the system of Constitutional Monarchy and believe that the person who succeeds by law to be our monarch should occupy the position of Head of State of the United Kingdom. The monarch must, of course, be capable of resisting attempts by party politicians to use the monarchy for its own purposes.
We believe in Parliamentary Democracy and in Cabinet Government responsible to the United Kingdom Parliament. The Head of Government would of course continue to be the Prime Minister. However, we believe in the use of a referendum to consider every question of major national importance.
Democracy is too delicate a flower to be left to the free market. Parties must not be capable of being bought and sold to the highest or most powerful bidder. Indeed they must be free from those who support, financially, all parties but the unfavoured ones.
Corporate donations from companies, trade unions and pressure groups must be prohibited. Individual donations must be limited in size and frequency.
Unlike the other parties, we believe in freedom of expression for all: for our opponents as well as our friends. This freedom of expression must be guaranteed by law. The only exceptions, in the political sphere, should be advocacy of violence, breach of official secrets legislation and  civil remedies for defamation.
We believe in freedom of the press and broadcasting media. However, that freedom must not be a freedom to lie, defame and support the media’s friends. There must be prohibitions on the press acting as an election sponsor that is exempt from limits on electoral expenditure. There must be affordable and effective means of challenging untruths, especially during an election campaign. There must be a statutory right of reply.
Freedom of the press and broadcasting media is not enough. There must be freedom of access to the press and broadcasting media for all parties – particularly at election time. In particular, there must be a statutory right of reply to allegations and slurs in the press and broadcasting media. Local government boundaries must reflect local identifications and loyalties.
-Reproduced from our policy leaflet

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  1. I agree wholeheartedly with the positions expressed here. Freedom of expression must be for everyone even our enemies otherwise as we know from current nationalist experience there is no freedom.
    . Press freedom however must not be freedom to smear and libel people they don’t like and must be open to affordable redress. I would however prefer that funding for political parties was taken away from private donations and political parties were given equal state public funding. The playing field has to be levelled and prevent organised lobby groups such as the Jewish Israel lobby from controlling the political process in the U.K., as it does in the United States.

    • Well Mark we all know he capital of Israel is Washington DC. But London is the capital of International Finance. So in a way all part of the same plan . They throw us the occasional curve ball. But we have been under Jewish hegemony since we allowed them to own the Bank of England and print our money. The USA omly got taken over in 1933 when a wholey Jewish backed president was elected. And they managed to keep him for three terms until he keeled over. Thus altering the path of history . For which we vall paid dearly.

      I have no quarrel with the man in the street Jew, only its secular offshoot Zionism . Which is to all intents Banking at it highest and most corrupt level.

  2. ( Party Member ) Happy Easter from the Christian Values British Democrats

  3. ( Party Official ) I hope we adopt the policy that all Members of Parliament have to LIVE IN THEIR CONSTITUENCY by law ! This would be the decent thing to do . They would also bring up their families with the people they are paid to represent. This will go hard on some multi-cultural ones but so be it ! They can live their dream that they had for others !

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