Moneyweek: The End of Britain

Moneyweek magazine has produced an advertising video that explains why the financial collapse of Britain is inevitable.

Despite being a promotional production the video, none-the-less, explains in some detail the causes and the extent of the debt time-bomb that threatens to reduce this country to another Greece.

It also demonstrates the need for nationalists to plan now for a crisis the like of which may only be comparable to that previously experienced by the Weimar Republic in Germany.

The video may be viewed here:


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  1. As with Labour under Brown, Cameron’s spending and borrowing is predicated on an unrealistic estimate of overall income over a long period. Most Western countries are in the same position of illusion dictated by political necessity.

    In our case outside the Euro, we can print unlimited amounts so government bankruptcy is not going to happen in a technical sense. But something has to break eventually if you keep your system going by borrowing or printing such amounts that debt is constantly increasing in relation to income.

    Dr Tim Morgan’s reports on Tullett Prebon offer far greater depth than the Moneyweek analysis which can be boiled down to debt exploding and a crisis when rates on that debt go up.

  2. I think material of this nature is important. It demonstrates to the world that nationalists are thinking people with concerns that go far beyond immigration, as important as that is.

  3. One of the main reasons why nationalist parties in Britain don’t obtain as many votes as they should is because said parties have failed to concentrate enough upon economic issues. The Economy is the subject that most people vote upon.

  4. Unhappily the aspect of economic management which has the biggest traction with voters is the ‘handout’ however dressed up it might be to look grand.

    Telling people that they might like to spend their own money does not work too well since the ‘handout’ is always dressed up as spending someone else’s money.

    Much of politics now consists of a competition between parties in gaming the above.

  5. We can learn a lot from the Golden Dawn. they are already dealing with the collapse and brilliantly too.

  6. Steven above is right about why nationalist parties in Britain do not obtain as many votes as they should because of having no economic policies. As I understand it we would nationalise the gas, oil, coal, electricity and water industries as in a new world of scarce resources, they are to important to be trusted to the international fat cats. Join the British Democratic Party and keep prices low!!!

    • Even a few Tories would not be averse to doing this and bringing them back under British ownership. The BDP needs to concentrate on the economy. It is always amongst the top THREE issues at election time and since the world has been in a virtually constant economic crisis since the autumn of 2008 it is now the primary issue. Nationalist economics is what this country desperately needs if we are to rebuild a high-tech manufacturing base around which service industries can be be built.

      This is THE issue where we can blow UKIP out of sight as they adhere to failed economic globalism which has helped to shatter what used to be the core of our economy ie manufacturing. Let’s give hope to our people by spelling-out how economic nationalism can work and I am sure we will reap the benefits politicaly-speaking.

  7. Scary stuff! You can read the full report of this video on their website: when you look at the figures it doesn’t exactly inspire confidence!

  8. You may have about four months, five at best before the imminent and total global financial collapse. The ensuing systemic , societal breakdown will be far-reaching and long lasting and will result in millions of deaths. China’s return to a gold based international trading system has only expedited the U.S dollars inevitable demise. keep a close eye on China. DON’T SAY YOU WEREN’T WARNED ……Rick

  9. Ibbedy Jibbedy Wibbedy Woodle. The whole worl will lose its strudel yo

  10. Moneyweek cant be more wrong! In fact its not the End but the Beginning of Britons pursuit of being one of the Worlds Largest Trading Nation.
    The Workforce has the skills to power Software Business Process the World Over.
    Many would cite cheap Indian Software Programmers but a knowledgeable insider in the industry is well aware that most organizations are fed up of failed IT projects involving cheap Indian labor.

  11. The editor for ‘The Money Work’ does not understand simple Economics! Does he think the Chinese will not invest in Software and Hardware Companies that will power Transformation of the next decade?

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