Gadaffi’s Inevitable Collapse Reveals Western Ruling Elite’s Dangerous Ignorance

The inevitable collapse of the Gadaffi regime in Libya has once again revealed the staggering ignorance of world politics, religion and racial realities by the West’s ruling elite.

Although David Cameron, Barack Obama and other “world leaders” have fallen over themselves to grant recognition to Libya’s “National Transitional Council,” (NTC) the reality is that they know almost nothing about the people behind that organisation — except that until a short while ago, most of them were avid despots and servants of Gadaffi.

The so-called “leader” of the NTC, “Chairman Mahmoud Jibril” (as Mr Cameron insists on calling him) was a cabinet minister under Gadaffi from 2007 to 2011.

The head of the “rebel” army Abdul Fatah Younis, used to be Gadaffi’s Minister of Interior and Minister for Public Security until the outbreak of the “revolution.”

As Minister for Public Security, Younis would have been directly involved in all Libyan covert military operations, including the Lockerbie incident and the death of PC Joanne Fletcher.

Younis (who was assassinated in July 2011 by unknown perpetrators) used to be Gadaffi’s number 2 and was a key supporter of the former regime. He is typical of the list of “rebel leaders” in the NTC, who are almost all former prominent supporters of the Gadaffi regime.

Yet, in the mixed-up world of Western liberalism, these same people, after a lifetime of dictatorship and violence against their own people, have suddenly become committed democrats who seek elected government, the rule of law, freedom etc. etc. One would struggle to find a more unlikely scenario.

Rather, the far more likely explanation for the current conflict in Libya (and indeed across the Arab world) is that one group of vicious tribal warlords has fallen out with some others, and have resorted to replacing their “government” with violence.

An objective Western journalist, writing in one of the few newspapers in America which will still allow dissenting views from the neo-con death grip on the US’s body politic, put it this way: “Western powers are concerned that tribal, ethnic and political divisions among the diverse armed groups opposed to Gaddafi could lead to the kind of blood-letting seen in Iraq after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.”

The Iraq disaster is only one case in point. Months after the so-called “Arab Spring” in Egypt which toppled Hosni Mubarak, there are still no signs of the much-vaunted “democracy” in Egypt. That nation remains under military control, exactly as it was under Mubarak, except that another Arab in a uniform now occupies the top seat.

In addition, mobs of Islamists have taken to rampaging through the streets of Cairo, burning down Christian Coptic churches and attacking Copts in the street. Some reports say that attacks on Egyptian Christians have increased tenfold since the fall of Mubarak, following the exact same pattern as in Iraq.

So who are the people poised to take over Libya? Who are the “rebels” exactly? When this question was recently asked of former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense and neo-con Paul Wolfowitz, he told the questioner to “Google and find out.”

And that about sums it up. They simply don’t know who they have backed. Iraq turned from a relatively stable and secular Arab dictatorship under Saddam Hussein into an Islamist warzone after Western intervention, all the while remaining essentially a military state and Arab dictatorship. Libya seems set to follow the pattern.

The core of the problem lies in the very essence of liberalism, the disease which permeates the West’s ruling elite. For some unexplained reason, they genuinely believe that the Third World only suffers from economic backwardness, dictatorship and maladministration because of the “wicked rulers” of those nations.

“If only,” the liberals cry, “we can get rid of the evil Mugabes, Gadaffis, Mubaraks, etc. etc. then all their nations will emerge as blossoming democracies and uphold First World standards and values.”

This belief ignores the lessons of race, history, science and reality. Nations are merely a reflection of the people who make up their populations. A majority Third World population will produce Third World standards, systems of government and value systems.

The failure to understand this simple truth is the prime cause of the failed domestic and foreign policies of the West’s current ruling elite: and why it is so critical that they be replaced before they destroy European civilisation in their lemming-like rush over the cliff of multi-culturalism.

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  1. So…..Libya,…. when do WE have
    “boots on the the ground”,Dave,
    overtly this time, to supplement
    the ones we already have there?
    You know, like Iraq & Afghanistan…
    & can you do it on the cheap, as per
    usual, when it comes to our troops,
    because rumour has it Dave,…..
    we’re in the fiscal toilet.

  2. After the fall of sadaam a BBC radio interviewer asked a hawk-like yank “so what do you do if the people vote for an Islamic republic” and the reply in Texas drawl was trust me son that ain’t gonna happen. I take it you, like me have heard the cry of Allah u Akbar before each Libyan rebel fires his gun…

  3. The situation with Libya is that it’s just another in a long line of colour revolutions. It’s a fact that Western governments (especially the US government) and various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) spend millions of dollars to co-opt and “channel” local populations of targeted countries against their own political leadership.

    The Labyrinthian International Geopolitics of the Libyan Conflict…..

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